Did I Do Something Wrong?

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I always knew that my girlfriend had mild depression, but I didn't expect her to do it. She said she just has to use the bathroom, but it was 2 hours before I had gotten worried. "Sabrina!" She didn't answer, but I kept calling her name. "Sabrina! You're scaring me!" I had almost started crying. "Sabrina... Why won't you answer?" I didn't want to, but I had to open the door. Sabrina had pills surrounding her, along with a note that read: Sorry John... I couldn't take it anymore. I Know you said to hang in there, and that I wasn't a burden to you. But... I couldn't help but think that I was a burden to you. PS: this isn't your fault... Love you! ;( I started crying right then and there, untill I realized that she took pills, and that there was a chance to save her. I carried her out of my house, and called 911. "I-it's gonna be okay, just hang in there!" I was holding her for dear life. I heard sirens 1 minute later, but it felt like forever before she opened her eyes. "John... What happened?" I almost felt sorry for her. "Babe! You're alive... What were you thinking?!" Sabrina smiled at my sad/angry self. "I don't know, but I'm glad I survived..." Sabrina falls over in her hospital bed. I was worried until she turned over to get comfortable. So... She was just tired? I sat in the chair until I fell asleep, but I had a nightmare about her dying in the bed. I woke up, with sweat rolling down my face. "...." I took my time to recover. I didn't realize it, but Sabrina had nestled her head into my lap. I start to stroke her hair when she starts sleep-talking. "...- I love you John, but that's MY cookie, not yours...... What?.... How did you know about my secret stash of... Bears?" I almost laughed at what she was saying, but I held it in until she said a certain line... "John!! Why would you tickle me in that place?..." I started laughing hysterically and woke her up. " What's so funny?" I almost told her when the doctor came in. "Hello, Sabrina and John, how was your night here?" We both looked at each other, and nodded. "Good. Now, I have some good news, assuming you're a couple and still love each other?" I started holding her hand, and nodded. "Well then, she will have to stay the whole week to make sure Sabrina is ok. Of course, you can still visit, but no... 18+ stuff, if you didn't know that yet." We both nodded and hugged each other along with a kiss.

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