chapter 3

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The elevator came to a stop. Liam grips the elevator doors and tears them open. He walks out of the elevator and looks around the hospital confused seeing it completely empty. Is everyone really gone?. Is he the only one left in this dimension?. Liam phones Scott "Scott. You have to meet me, you gotta meet me at the hospital please"

"Alright I'm on my way," Scott said

Liam walks outside the hospital to meet up with Scott. He smiles seeing Scott but sees Scott frown "Liam what does this mean?" Liam shrugs at him "where's Theo?"

Liam looks down at the ground feeling guilty "I lost him. I lost Theo" he lies well not a complete lie because he did lose the since Theo being bait

Douglas steps out from the shadows "it means it working. The plan is working. I have a hellhound" Parrish comes out but Stiles arrives knocking out Garrett

"Stiles?" Scott and Liam said

"It's good to see you too," Stiles said

Liam looks at Parrish as Scott and Stiles are now catching up. Liam nudges them "it's good to see you but we gotta go now like right now" they all take off running but stop as Stiles grabs the fire extinguisher

"Grab Parrish quickly grab him" Stiles ordered

Scott and Liam grab ahold of parish pinning him to the wall whilst Stiles sprays him. Liam let's go of him "god ow"

"Liam you're fine," Stiles said

"God, that doesn't feel good, you know?" Liam said And looks at them "we have to divert the train"

"How do we do that?" Scott asked

"I'm going into the hunt" Liam responded

Stiles looks confused "No, no, no. Liam, I think you're confused. We're trying to get people out of the Hunt..."

"He can get taken by a ghost rider," Scott said

Liam shook his head "I don't need to get taken to get into the Hunt!" He runs off "I BE BACK"

"Were we like that?" Stiles asked Scott

"Worse" Scott said

Liam arrives and sees a horse. He runs to the top and is about to jump when Theo arrives fighting a ghost rider that was about to hurt Liam. Liam turns to face him "hey!. You made it out"

"Yeah barley. What's the plan?" Theo asked.

"Uh. Steal a horse and get into the hunt" Liam said

Theo groans "You're kidding, right? I went through all this to keep you from being taken!"

Liam looks at Theo awkwardly who still fighting the ghost rider "uh. You need a hand?"

"I'm good just go already," Theo said

Liam nods and jumps landing on the horse and is struggling. Theo kills the rider and looks at Liam "you ever rode a horse before?" Liam shook his head. Theo smirks and watches Liam ride off. Theo runs off and finds Scott squaring of with Douglas

"You, of all people, Scott, should know what happens to a lone wolf," Douglas said

"He not alone. He has a pack" Theo growls

"And Theo's not in it. But I am." Malia said

"I'm not in the pack... But no one likes a Nazi."Peter said

They fight against Douglas. The merge finally stops and they return to the real world. Theo has left and is debating if he should leave beacon hills. He watches Scott and Stiles hug and just walks away leaving them behind. Liam arrives where Scott is

"Okay Liam since your the new alpha," Stiles says

"I'm not alpha," Liam said.

"Right alpha in training" stiles replied

"I have to kill an alpha," Liam said

"Liam! Since you're taking over, the most important thing you can remember is that Mason is always gonna be the one who's there to save your ass all the time." Stiles said. Liam roll eyes at Stiles "love you guys. I'm so gonna miss you, god Liam I'm gonna miss your anger" he steps back hearing Liam growl

Mason chuckles at them. Scott looks at Liam and smiles "you be safe and if you need anything you can always call me okay"

Liam nods at Scott "I know I can always call you. I will be fine Scott I promise" he hugs him and Stiles "I will be fine"

"Awe. My son is all grown up" Stiles said sarcastically

Scott chuckles "let's go Stiles" Scott and Stiles leave

Liam turns to face Mason and Corey "where's Theo?"

"He was well. He was here but then he left" Corey answered

Liam's heart stops. He was hurting inside hearing the two words "he left" This broke him. He didn't know why he was so upset by Theo leaving because it's Theo. He never use to care about Theo leaving him behind but now he does. His mind was racing with a million thoughts of why Theo would just leave, they were becoming close for once. They haven't even tried to kill each other which is weird because they always use to try

"Liam" mason waved his hand in front of Liam's face snapping him out of his thoughts "are you okay. You look upset"

Liam nods at him "I'm fine. Sorry, Scott and Stiles really have gone aren't they?" He knew he was lying but he couldn't tell Mason or Corey that he has feelings for Theo

"Yeah. They really have gone Li your in charge" Mason said "we get through this. We are a pack"

Liam nods "yeah that's true. Erm I'm gonna head home. Yeah head home I see you later" he takes off running but of course, he wasn't going to head home. He was going to track down Theo and make sure that he doesn't leave. Liam wants Theo to stay, he wants to express his true feelings about the older boy but he doesn't know how to. He wants a lot of things but he knows he can't get it. Liam Dunbar has got feelings for Theo Raekan the boy who killed his alpha, the boy who got inside his head. The one who betrayed the pack.

Thiam Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon