12. (M)

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Hoseok gulped when Taehyung stuck his fingers to his mouth. "Suck," he said while biting his lip. His dark brown eyes looked black now and Taehyung was as hard as a rock.

Hoseok opened his mouth and sucked on Taehyungs long fingers until he slowly slid them out of his mouth. Tae took his wet fingers and ran them down between Hobi's firm ass. He winked at him before sliding them into his tight hole.

"Shit," Hoseok groaned as he arched back, his heel started to dig into Taehyungs shoulder causing him to drive his fingers in deeper.

He got Hoseok ready; pumping in and out at an alarming rate. He pulled his fingers out fast and flipped Hoseok over. His front was against the cold tile and his ass was in the air; A full display just for Taehyung to see, taste and enjoy.

"Color, baby," He said while rubbing the head of his aching cock against the prettiest pink hole he had ever seen. He spit in his hand and rubbed it over the head of his dick before slowly entering Hoseok for the first time.

"Ahhhh," Hobi moaned while biting his lip. "I'm green. I'm so green baby."

"That's what I like to hear."

He tightened around Taehyung and moaned his name. Taehyung muttered curses under his breath. "God damn, Hoseokie. You're so-" he began to thrust. "Fucking warm and t-tight."

Hobi moaned louder and met Taehyung thrust for thrust; pushing back against him as Tae thrust forward.

Skin slapping.

Heavy breathing.

Not so silent moans.

They were all wrapped up in their own little world that they didn't realize that they had caught the attention of Luca and Jimin.

The couple opened his bedroom door and stood in the hallway, trying to find where the noise was coming from.

Jimin looked at Luca and pressed his fingers to his lips. Luca nodded back and pointed to the bathroom at the end of the hallway.

Jimin whispered, "Any bets on what guy brought a someone back?"

Luca silently laughed. "It's got to be Tae. I um," he blushed. "I know those moans."

"Yeah, I think we all do," He laughed. "I'm going to take a look. I mean, the door is cracked."

"Wait wait wait," Luca said while pulling him back. "It's not our business. And you, you can take a shower in my bathroom and I'll wake the other guys up."

"You're no fun, babe." He said while kissing Luca's lips.

Luca grabbed his butt and kissed him back. "Go take a shower, Chim Chim."

He smirked and took off in the direction of Luca's bedroom. Once the door was shut, Luca's curiosity got the best of him. He debated on taking a quick look or not.

I shouldn't intrude.

Yes I should.

It's not your business, Luca.

Oh fuck it. I want to see.

He lost his inner monologue battle and tiptoed to the bathroom, carefully not to make a sound. The closer he got, the sound of slapping skin and subtle moans got louder.

It was Taehyung, that was for sure. He and Jimin's suspicions were right. But what made him stop in his tracks when he got to the door was the small moan he heard after Taehyungs.

It was a guy.

That much he knew was true.

Luca walked up to the slightly opened door and peered in.

He gasped but quickly put his hand on his mouth.

It was Taehyung......and Hobi.

Taehyung and Hoseok were off the ground now and in the shower. Taehyung had Hoseoks face pressed into the glass shower door and had his leg propped up on the stone ledge.

Luca couldn't take her eyes off the sight.

He was hard, watching Hoseok take every inch of one the biggest dicks he had ever seen in his life. Taehyung grabbed Hobi by the hair and brought their mouths together. Sloppy kisses helped the shower steam up the glass.

Hoseok took one hand off the door and wrapped it around his aching cock. It was swollen and red and needed attention. Luca watched him stroke himself until he took his mouth away from Taehyungs.

"Tae," he cried out. "I'm gonna come."

"We'll come together."

Luca backed away from the door when Hobi and Tae fell apart, both moaning curses and the others name.

He ran to his room and shut the door, sliding down the back of it. He couldn't believe his eyes. Taehyung and Hobi? He never would have paired the two together. Hell, he'd never thought he'd be dicking down members of the biggest k-pop group in the world, either.

"Shit. It was really hot," he thought. Luca looked down at his watch. He had time to wake the boys and deal with the growing need he had to take care of.

Luca stripped down to nothing and walked into his bathroom. The hot steam and the smell of Jimin's body wash filled his nostrils. He walked closer to the shower and seen Jimin's head under the stream of water. His shampoo leaving bubbles down his back and soap on his ass.

Luca eased open the door and stepped in behind him. His eyes were still closed when he turned to the side to wash the remaining soap from his hair. Luca let his eyes trail from his beautiful face to his semi hard cock. He licked his lips and stepped closer.

Jimin knew Luca was in the shower, but was waiting on him to make the first move. He could smell him. His natural vanilla scent was something he could never miss. Luca was the sweetest smelling and sweetest tasting man he had ever been with. Just thinking about his naked body behind him caused him to harden before his eyes.

Luca slowly reached out and grasped the base of Jimin's cock and slowly ran his hand up to the head, rubbing his thumb against the slit.

"Luca," Jimin breathed out.

"I think you need some help with that and I'll be happy to oblige."


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Feel Me Up (Book 1) MALE POVWhere stories live. Discover now