Chapter 4

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I rolled my eyes at the mysterious man, he was so cocky, acting as though being tall was the only thing girls consider in a guy

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I rolled my eyes at the mysterious man, he was so cocky, acting as though being tall was the only thing girls consider in a guy. Height wasn't the only thing I factored into consideration when seeing a guy as more than a friend. I mean yes, it's incredibly important seeing that I am 6 feet and would never date anyone shorter than me, but he didn't know my superficial list of requirements. And yes there is a list, my friends made one for me in high school because of how picky I was and still am.

 And yes there is a list, my friends made one for me in high school because of how picky I was and still am

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"Ok well I know you are 6'8 so I'll tell you I'm 6'0 no more no less." He obviously was not happy with the answer I gave since he lost his smirk, an attractive smirk might I add. Staring at the tree trunk of a man, I began to notice more about him, he had sun-kissed skin and jet black hair. It was obvious he worked out, with him having a muscular and defined figure. It was a nice surprise considering most tall men happen to be thin and lean. Nothing against thin men, it is just not my type, I wanted bear hugs. His eyes were gorgeous as well, while one was pale green resembling the color of sour apples the other was a warm brown, actually no, a mix of brown and green.

Suddenly tree trunk's smirk reappeared and he chuckled "I normally require a large amount of personal space but with you I don't mind," as I refocused myself, I realized I had leaned forward to look at his eyes. "Sorry I was j-just ummm I was going to tell you that it appears-" "you were going to tell me what?" the gorgeous man asked, raising an eyebrow. "I was going to tell you that it appears you may be growing a unibrow, I can recommend a fabulous waxing place or threading if you feel brave enough."

Tree trunk's chuckle turned into a full on ugly chortle, his chest heaved. "I don't realize what is so funny," as he was about to reply, he began to laugh again. I honestly don't know what is up with this guy but let me tell you, his laugh was contagious and I found myself smiling. As we gathered ourselves once again he asked "ok so that did not go as planned, how about we play twenty questions?" Twenty questions, he better not try to ask anything dirty. "Ok I'll play, and if we don't answer we have to take a shot," "I thought you weren't drinking tonight," he responded. "I wasn't but now I may, depending on the question."

Just as I was about to eat the delicious looking fry, the game began. I wasn't nervous considering I was pretty much an open book and didn't expect to see the handsome stranger again. "I'll go first, name?" "Wow, just as I was about to eat my fry, you decided to begin the game. Anyways, it's Madison, what about you. What is your name?" He smiled when I told him my name, "ahhh Madison that is a pretty name, do you go by that or something else?" I am pretty sure this guy didn't realize the purpose of twenty questions was to go back and forth. "Ummmm yeah people call me different things, Maddie mostly. WAIT you didn't answer my question, now I get two. What is your name, and how old are you?" As he ran a hand through his soft hair, I wondered what shampoo he used. I barely knew this man yet I was already so intrigued by him. "My name is Nikolai but everyone calls me either Niko or Nicky, and I am 22."

Ok so he was only 3 years older than me, that was not bad, what was bad though, how amazing my name was spilling out from his lips. I tended to get attached to a person quickly and the last time that happened things ended badly and I swore never again. "Madison, are you ok, you froze on me." "Haha yea just zoned out! Anyways, what did you ask?" Although Nikolai seemed unsure he continued the game:

"Favorite color?"

"Light pink, girly I know but I like it. Favorite animal?"

"A bull shark, from?"

"Miami but I moved away to live in the big apple. Family?"

"I think I'll take a shot of tequila instead."

As he downed the liquid I frowned. I forgot that not everyone was as fortunate as I was to have a loving family. Despite having wanted to strangle my family half the time, I loved them all and was especially close to my dad. Nikolai turned towards me and I plastered on a smile. "Sorry I asked, we can stop if you want." He shook his head and was about to speak when a hand slapped him on the shoulder. Was everyone at this club drop dead gorgeous, the man spoke with a hint of a Russian accent, similar to Niko.

"Bos-t friend, we have a problem." As Niko and this man continued to converse I began to take note of the strangers appearance. He was tall around 6'5 and had a defined figure, he wasn't as muscular as tree trunk but was still in great shape. His hair was also lighter, similar to the color of tweed, his eyes were wide and a deep brown. His jawline was sharp and he was a bit more tan than Niko. Done with my evaluation of the man in front of me, my phone pinged.

Author's Note:

Thank y'all so much for reading my book. I know this was a meh chapter but I haven't been that inspired to write. I promise more is to come soon I have just been busy with scheduling classes for university. Anyways we hit over 100 reads!!!!!! I know the book is not perfect so please feel free to give me ways I can improve, also I promise things will get more dramatic once you meet the final set of characters which I am hoping is in either the next or second to next chapter based on who I decided gets the next POV.

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