Chapter 1

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Have you ever woken up and just felt lost? Like you were somewhere you shouldn't until you realize you're just in your bed and everything is fine. Well that's not the case here. I woke up in a motel, alone, screaming. I had been having these constant nightmares. Thats why I was out here, in a motel, alone, scream- you know the rest.

It was weird. It had been something that was happening a lot more often, so I continued a journey to, I dont even know where. I get up changing into washed out, high-waisted shorts, and a tie-dye crop top. I quickly put my hair into a messy pony- tail, then slipping on my vans. Walking towards the door with my bag, I grab my car keys leaving the motel room.

The entire lot and area was empty leaving the key at the front desk. I only felt the need to leave another motel to go somewhere, yet I still don't know where. I felt the need to continue. No one has gone on the same trail as me. I never met anyone while I drove city to city.

It was about 1 'o'clock at night as I come upon a giant building. It looked almost abandoned as I stop the car looking up at the tall building. Opening the car door I get out examining the building. No lights were on, cracks were formed all over the walls. Walking closer the building seemed to tower me. Continuing into what I assumed was the courtyard I see a table in the center, walking closer to it rubbing my hand on the rubber coating for safety when the school was open.

I sit down feeling a cool breeze across me, feeling goose bumps. There was a sudden feeling rushing across my body, jumping up and around from reflex. I feel my breathing hitch, seeing the shadow of someone. I don't move. It was obviously the figure of a boy, near my age I could tell. I heard a voice in my head, trying to tell me what to do. Walk up to him. Do it. You know you're curious.

I tried to ignore it seeing the figure move closer towards me. I wanted to scream but I hold it back.Ever since 2 years ago, not even a squeal left my mouth, I was too afraid. I see It come closer as I see features come more into play. Bright blue eyes, dark blonde hair, very tall. I see him come to right in front of me. I felt as if he didnt even walk. He almost, floated? I wouldn't know how to explain it. I look up at him. He looks down at me.

"Who are you?" I hear him ask. His voice was deep. He seemed to give of a cold breeze from his body. He was translucently terrifying. I wanted to run, but I felt like I couldnt. I never heard his question as I hear him grunt. I blink while still staring at his gaze. "I asked, who are you." He said more demanding. I shake my head to answer him. Before I could I heard another voice. Softer, higher pitched, obviously female.

"Come on Chris. Step away. You're scaring her..." She says. Looking over my shoulder, taking a step back. She had mid length, light brown, wavy hair. Her eyes were an emerald green almost glowing in the darkness. Her name is Lia. She is your age. I hear the voice say as I look at her.

"Hi. I'm Bailey. And your Lia." I say confidently stepping away from the boy who I have learned is named Chris. I could feel there confusion. "You're the same age as me." I say looking between the two. I felt there eyes drift between me and each other. Waiting for someone to talk, I grab my car keys. "I guess I'll go."

"Wait!" Chris says suddenly in front of me. His hand was holding my arm, but yet I couldn't feel it. I knew it was there, but yet it wasn't. A quick word popped into my head right at that moment.


The word repeated in my head, overlapping itself. The pain was excruciating. I felt myself become light headed. I couldn't hear anything happening around me. It finally came to the point where I couldn't do it anymore. I let myself fall. I waited to feel the concrete, but I didn't. I tried to see who, but everything went black.

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