Chapter 2

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Just like every other day, I woke in a new place. But yet this time, I wasn’t screaming, and I wasn’t alone. I hear a voice talking closing my eyes again before they notice. I listen closely to the voices. I heard Lia talking. I remember her from last night. I heard Chris to, and someone else to. The voice was unfamiliar. I knew it was early. The sun was barely through the window.

The voices became louder, walking into the room. I keep my eyes closed tightly, hearing the door open.

“She knew stuff…” I hear Chris say. It’s true I did know stuff, a lot more than they thought. Lia and Chris had something going on. I tried to figure out who else was there but yet I couldn't pinpoint it till I saw there eyes. Only when I made eye contact could I find information. I finally couldn't take it rolling over, sitting up. My eyes now open I saw there eyes land on me.

“Hey. How’s are you?” Lia asks, sitting down by my legs. I smile a little.

“Yeah, I’m great. A little shaken up I guess. I mean first of all I have no idea where I am, and no offense but I barely know you guys. I dont even know who that guy is.” I say pointing to the fourth stranger in the room. He had dark shaggy hair. It was between black and dark brown. Big brown eyes, also very tall. Am I just short or something?

“Oh right, Hi! I’m Zach.” He says. I nod looking into his eyes. I couldn’t get past it. Nothing came to my head. I desperately tried, I finally gave up, but yet I couldn't look away. It was the weirdest feeling. Soon enough I heard Lia’s fingers snapping seeing her fingers suddenly come into focus. I shake my head blinking.

“Sorry. Uhm, I’m Echo…” I say back to Zach. I see him smile as I smile back. We stare at each other for a while until I hear more talking. I look over seeing 3 more people walk into the room. They walk in laughing from something one of them said. Ember, Skye, Dallas. I hear the voices looking between the three. They finally spot me, some looks were exchanged last night. Confusion.

“Guys say hello to the newest member of the group, Echo.” Lia says as I look at her, also now confused.

“Group? What do you mean?” I ask looking around to the people. They all glance at each other.

“We are all… Special… In our own ways-” Skye starts but is interrupted by Chris.

“And so are you.” He says quickly. I pull my feet off the side of the bed looking around. Different? Did they mean the voices? Did they have them to? Was I not alone? I was confused waiting for someone to answer the questions I didn’t dare to ask. Luckily Ember started to answer.

“We are all something different. Something that, that you probably don’t believe. Something,-” Again Chris interrupted.

“I’m a ghost!” He yells covering his mouth. I was surprised. A ghost? Yeah okay, these people are crazy.

“A ghost? He’s kidding right?” I saw laughing a little. No one laughed. My smile faded looking around. “He’s not kidding… He’s dead…” I say shocked. It explained a lot. Maybe it was the fall from last night, or I was still asleep, but for some reason. I believed it. “So if he’s dead… Are all of you… You know?” I say looking around.

“No! No, No, No,” Lia says. “Just Chris. We are all, different… “ She says. She paused for a while trying to find the words. She finally talks again. “Maybe we should just… Show you…” She says as they all agree with her. I wanted to “see” what she was talking about but I had one question.

“What am I? You said I’m different to… What am I…” I ask all of them. I knew what I was but yet I didn’t. I had voices in my head, I could learn things by looking into there eyes, and worst of all. My scream. It was a high frequency, ear bleeding, scream. It wasn’t even an exaggeration. I wait for someone to reply. Finally Lia replies.

“Well… We did some research… Echo, we think youre something known as a Banshee…” She says. I remember hearing someting about banshees from being a kid. My parents always talked about it. My dad always said I never was like my grandmother. It all made sense. I looked down at the floor taking it all in.

“It makes sense…” I say to myself as Lia places a hand on my shoulder. I look at her smiling a little. “I want to see... “ I say looking to the others. “I want to see what you guys are…”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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