Damon x Reader

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Info: Caroline and Damon drop in at Elena's dinner (season 1), while Y/n is there. She is forced to face him again after a hundred years of avoiding him to make him believe she was dead.

Not edited (sorry)  <3


I could feel Stephen's gaze burning a hole in the top of my head as I suddenly found the plate in front of me the most interesting thing in the world. He recognized me. I knew he did. Elena hadn't informed me her boy toy was going to be here.

"So, Y/n, How'd your family come to live in Mystic Falls?" My jaw clenched, he knew whatever came out of my mouth would be a lie yet he asked anyways.

'My parents passed away a long time ago, I live in the house down the street." It was more lying through omission because everything I said was technically true. I forced a smile as he opened his mouth to say something more. However, he never got the chance as the doorbell rang out, cutting him off.

"I'll get it." Elena was on her feet and headed towards the door before anyone could offer to do it instead. Bonnie had clearly been won over after Stephens little speech on Salem witches.

I felt my blood run cold as I heard his voice. I made eye contact with Stephen for the first time, my eyes wide as saucers.

"Stay here." He spoke so only I would hear and I nodded quickly. Since Damon had arrived back in town I'd been trying to keep a low profile. Neither of the Salvatore brothers knew about the blood that ran through my veins, well, Stephen didn't until 10 minutes ago. I bit my lip as I heard Stephen trying to push his brother back out the door.

"Just come in." Elena had invited him in. She didn't realize what she had done, but I did. I shot to my feet muttering a quick excuse to Bonnie about having to use the bathroom. I ducked out of the room just as the elder Salvatore entered with Caroline on his arm. I ducked into the bathroom panic shooting through me.

"Where's Y/n?" I heard Elena ask and the sound of chairs being pulled in. I was going to have to go back out there soon and then he would see me and know. I looked at myself in the mirror trying to take a few deep breaths.

"She went to the washroom." Bonnie answered quickly.

"Y/n?" He was asking about me. There was no way he'd know about me. After things had fallen apart I had fled town. It had been over 100 years! I thought it was safe to come back!

"She's a friend, lives down the road." Elena explained and I cursed her for unknowingly making my life harder. I took a deep breath pushing a strand of hair back into place. Stephen had realized I wasn't some descendant in seconds and I had spent far more time with Damon. I had to face the music. Or jump out the window. I considered it for a minute before coming to the conclusion I wouldn't be able to fit out the small hole. I put my hand out and turned the doorknob before taking a step out.

"She wouldn't happen to be related to the L/n's would she?" His voice was smooth as I pushed my anxiety down and straightened my spine.

"Yes actually, my ancestors were from Mystic Falls." I spoke as I strolled back into the room. I watched as Damon's eyes widened. He looked stunned but recovered quickly almost leaping to his feet.

"Where are my manners? Damon. Damon Salvatore." I tried to act unfazed as I shook his outstretched hand.

"Y/n L/n."

"You're insane. You know that right?" I looked down to where the man with black hair was watching me.

"Oh, please. You love me for it!" I defended as I struggled to climb the big tree. I hefted the multiple layers of my gown over my arm. Stupid dress. My father had burned it into my brain over and over that women didn't wear pants. I guess that meant I didn't count as a woman considering I wore pants whenever I could get away with it.

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