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I've wanted to write this one for so long.


It was really an exhausting day. Firstly, he woke up without any trace of his wife, whom was attending to her own duties. As if not being able to see his cherished princess was not enough, he had to spend an entire day with officials of many kinds. And after two hours of training, the day was already ending. After a quick bath, all he wanted to do is spend time with Clove.

Just one of the rarest times he loved. Spending time with her. Soothing his mind and soul with her.

Donning his black robe with white dragon details and red lines, black pants and boots, he walked to their shared bedroom chambers. His hopeful smile was quick to fade away as he saw some maids in his way. They were not cheerful as usual.

All of them were confused, shocked, and afraid. And whenever they saw their lord, they were quick to get out of his sight. There was something wrong, and since they were escaping from his eyes despite he did not do anything, he quickly understood it must be something to do with Clove.

Concerned, he walked at a fast pace until he reached the wing. But when reaching their chambers, he saw that blue haired maid that Clove mostly hang out, Mai, at their private door. The weird thing was, this maid was the only one in this wing, as if something bad happened and everyone else evacuated the area immediately. There were not even guards.

"What's going on?" He demanded quickly, and the maid in return looked at him with horror.

"Your highness!" She was speaking at a low voice, couldn't avert her gaze from the bedroom. She was beyond terrified, a sight he rarely had ever seen. "The Princess Consort is..." Then looked at his feet in respect while bowing down a bit. "She is furious! No one could reach her out entire day! Since when she went to read some scrolls from the library."

"..." Kyro got well aware what she could have read, and that idea alone was enough to stab fear into his heart. That was not an ordinary library. It held their history.

"I've never seen her like this before! She ordered no one is to come near her. Not even this place! Please your highness, I beg you to leave her alone!" The maid babbled on.

"..." Though, when the maid went on her knees to beg, Kyro noticed an ice shard at the bottom of the door. Curiously he reached out, and immediately shivered at the touch, that door was freezing, reflecting the heat inside. Mai also noticed this and quickly got up, trembling in fear of what could have happened inside.

"Oh, no..." Her hand slowly reached to envelope her mouth. "What-"

"Mai." He tried to sound as calm and serious as possible, hoping his voice did not mirror his fear. Fear... "Evacuate the entire wing. No one is to enter this area. No one is to approach near this area." He used whatever energy that fear had not consumed to prevent his tremblings.

"But my prince-"

"Do as I say." He ordered a bit more loudly, forcing the maid to submit. Now alone, all he could do was stare at the door, touching its unnatural coldness, thinking of what must have happened.

He already knew the answer. Raizo was pestering him about that, it was only a matter of time.

"Clove..." He softly called her name, knocking the door with the same kindness. He couldn't get a reaction. Concerned, he entered inside, but what he saw broke his heart, and induced fear into his very soul.

There she was, wearing her usual sleeveless blue cerulean dress with external transparent silk sleeves from her elbows to beyond her hands, looking like an Ice Queen. Standing against the balcony, her back was turned to him, with her right hand holding down a scroll. A scroll that contains near history. About her mother and him.

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