Something In Common

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Tommy slowly cleaned another rock with his thumb before skipping it into the water, trying to process all that has happened in around an hour? He thinks it's around an hour, still trying to remember how to tell the time. It was something he used to be great at, mostly because of exile… course it's because of fucking exile. Angrily he cleaned another rock, once again skipping it across the water. He'd gotten good at telling the time using the sun, there wasn't much else to do other than stare at things that were barely interesting.

Running his fingers through his hair he sighed, shoulders losing some tension. Anyone he had met in the last hour… had reacted so-so, Tommy wasn't sure what word to use, weird probably being the most accurate.

Sam, a man he had started to trust, had left him there and didn't even come back. Maybe he was being irrational? Sam did say he tried to come back and save him. It still didn't get the feeling of betrayal that was in his gut. He'd said he'd protect Tommy and Tommy believed him. He's not really sure if the creeper could even gain his trust back.

Jack Manifold. He'd hardly heard what the other had said. After Jack started calling him words like selfish, saying he just takes and that he deserved death, Tommy had to stop listening, it reminded him too much about things said in the past, he couldn't handle having another breakdown so soon and in front of someone who wasn't even really his friend anymore.

Connor was respectful enough. Of course he had taken Tommy's house not long after he died but the man had given it back. He let Tommy rant a little even. Connor had agreed about taking more measures for the prison which made Tommy feel less like he was over exaggerating.

Quackity was one of the weirder ones. He thought someone had been cosplaying him and being disrespectful instead of realising it was Tommy. When he finally realised the conversation quickly devolved into a talk about business. It left him quite confused.

Ant had simply backed away, making Tommy want to just curl up into a ball and hide. Was he really now seen as a freak?

Ranboo was the most normal and honestly the nicest. He asked Tommy how he was, didn't push him for information, even gave him a flower. Tommy felt a twinge of guilt at the memory of burning it.

Tubbo…Tubbo, his best friend… Was he really his best friend anymore? Yes their friendship had strained a lot because of exile but Tommy thought it was more or less back to normal when they had defeated Dream. Tommy felt his shoulders drop, of course Tubbo was allowed to have other friends. Maybe it was a good thing. Especially when Tubbo had been told the news of Tommy's death. He smiled slightly, at least Tubbo had someone to comfort him.

Slowly Tommy stood up, trying to bring himself out of the million thoughts in his head. He turned and slowly started to walk down the gravel road that had previously brought him to the little beach. He had no idea where he was going, but it didn't really feel like it mattered much anymore.

He had been on the road for what felt like ages, although he guessed that he was just exaggerating. It had been long enough for the once beautiful evening to turn into a foggy mist type of rain. Tommy wanted to laugh at how well it matched how he was feeling, but just couldn't bring himself to do it.

In the foggy distance he saw what looked like lights, hoping it wasn't just his imagination he sped up. As he got closer he noticed how the rain had slowly become snow, it really made him realise how painfully cold it had become. When he got to the end of the road, it was not just a house that he had stumbled upon, it was a massive dark oak mansion. There were very few lights on, he hoped no one was home.

He stumbled his way to the door, the freezing cold getting more difficult to bear. The door for whatever reason had been left open, thank god. Making his way in, the teen looked around. It was one grand mansion, with a massive chandelier in the hall that you first walked into. He ventured around a few rooms, eventually finding a fireplace. He sat down in front of it, not noticing the little pair of eyes that had been watching him since he arrived.

He had been sitting there a few minutes, so his clothes were still soaked, but at least the feeling in his fingers was coming back, such a small thing seemed to make him feel slightly better. As he started to relax, he heard the floor creak behind him. He immediately turned, putting up his fists, as he had no weapons.

What surprised him, was the fact that it was none of the people that had been wanting him dead. It was a small zombie pigman, carrying stuff in his arm that was obviously too heavy for him. Tommy blinked and slowly lowered his fists.

"Uh, hey little guy, what are you doing here all by yourself." Tommy slowly sat up and moved closer, hoping not to scare the kid.

The other simply tilted his head, and answered in a tongue that Tommy recognised as piglin. He didn't remember much of the language, knowing only the basics from when he lived with Techno.

The smaller one knew that the teen probably didn't understand him, so he made his way forward and placed down the clothes that he had been holding in his arms.

Tommy recognised them right away, there was a big fluffy jacket that he remembered Tubbo had been wearing, a baggy hawaiian t-shirt that he could only assume was Ranboos and a pair of shorts. Tommy hesitantly got up and made his way into a small room and changed into the items. He would probably still get sick but he was thankful to be in dry clothes once again.

He walked out to see the other sitting by the fire, staring at it as if it was the best thing to do. Tommy went over and sat beside him and the two sat in peaceful silence watching the flames flicker. Tommy saw the other move in his peripherals and turned to meet the younger's eyes. He noticed a little tag stitched onto the jacket.

"Michael huh, I can only guess that you're Ranboos and Tubbos son since these are  their clothes." Tommy knew the boy didn't completely understand him, or maybe he did. Tommy was just glad to have someone there.

"Do they always leave you here alone at night?"

He got no response, only a slow blink of one eye.

"Guess that's another thing we have in common." The teen chuckled, bringing his hand up to his face and feeling the part of his exposed skull on the right side of his face, where dream had.. No, he didn't need to think about that now.

"Then again I don't really know my own parents." Tommy sighed and lay down on the floor. It was just nice to sit with another, knowing the intentions couldn't be the person wanting to kill him. He felt relaxed for the first time in a long while.

Michael slowly stood up, peering at Tommy in a way that looked like he was checking on the blonde, before he suddenly ran out of the room. Had he scared the boy off, that didn't take long.

Before he could think anything more the other ran back in holding a blanket and pillows. Tommy smiled and sat up, gently taking them from him and placing them on the floor. He lay down on the floor, and as he was about to put the cover over himself, Michael curled up on his chest. Tommy smiled softly and ruffled the others' pink hair.

"Thank you, Michael."

(My first Oneshot! I think this might be considered a little short but I didn't like the idea of adding anything. Short and sweet. Oh yeah, Tommy's skull being partially exposed is a headcanon of mine that I thought I'd add, if anyone was confused.


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