Chapter 10.

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Yesterday, what I said to Sam, it was cruel. I usually mean every word I say to people. Whether it be my brother or even Elena. But Sam? It was all a lie.

Ever since the ball, we've just clicked. I was attracted to her before the ball, so after the ball I was more. And the way she walked down the stairs with that dress. She's beautiful and sexy. Dare I say it, but maybe even more beautiful then Elena.

Elena. I love Elena. But am I really in love with her? For gods sake, she's with my brother! I can't take my brothers' girl. I tried doing it with Katherine, didn't work. What make me think its going to work with Kathrine's doppelganger?

And I know, the sire bond between Elena could work in my favor, but I don't won't Elena to love me because I said to. I want her too, because she feels that way.

But Sam, she's always stuck in my brain. How I said the horrible things yesterday. I know if I was in her situation, I wouldn't forgive myself. I've decided to write a letter.

~Dear Sam,

I'm truly sorry for what I said yesterday. I was just upset and angry. I had no right to ask you to go against Klaus. I was selfish, but that's who I am. I'm selfish.

I know that Elena has feelings for me. But I also know deep down inside, I know your right. She'll always pick Stefan. I know I should move on and maybe I'm starting to, but if theirs a chance, then I'm willing to take it.

But maybe I shouldn't take it. Maybe the answer is right in front of me. I know love is something I've been missing, and I love Elena, I really do. But I think I'm starting to love someone else. So thank you for clearing my cloudy mind. And I'm sorry. I hope for your forgiveness.


I poured my emotions out in this letter. Everything I said was true. I think I'm starting to fall in love with someone else. Someone who's perfect inside and out, someone who's fiesty and sexy, but kind and caring. Someone who isn't with my brother.

Its impossible that I may be falling in love with this girl after one conversation. Every vampire has a weakness, but really it only sums up to one major thing.


Love is a vampire's greatest weakness. It can destroy you, but it can also help you. What if the one I could possibly be in love with, doesn't love me. I wouldn't blame her.

I've torture her. I verbally hurt her. Telling her things that not only hurt her, but hurt me. Things I regret.

I used to not be like this, ever since Kathrine, I've been keeping everything inside. To afraid I'll be rejected again, to afraid of being hurt after many times.

Its funny how days ago, I didn't want nothing to do with Sam. How all I wanted was Elena and compete with Stefan for her love. Yet, now after one conversation, my mind has changed. I can let my emotions go in front of her.

Not that I can't in front of Elena, but why should I? She has told me,

It'll always be Stefan.

Yet, she has a hold on me but Sam.

Sam has the ability to listen, she wants to know. Elena she wants to understand. Elena is great and their will always be a part of me that loves her. But I feel as though, a bigger part is for Sam.

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