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Past: Seokjin

The wet umber stone walls and floor of the underground cellar was cold and unforgiving as it dug its way into the twelve year old boy's raw skin as he cowered and trembled in fear in the far corner of his decrepit old cell. "His" cell, because the other occupants were taken away hours ago and have yet to return, was smothered in darkness as the sounds of heavy duty linked chains scraped and rattled against the cold stones that sent shivers down Seokjin's spine the longer he sat in that cell alone. He was alone and terrified as he sat atop the soiled, prickly hay that was meant to soften the jagged black floor under him and waited for the worse.

All Seokjin knew was pain and grief as he wasted away in the dark corner of his somber prison. It was as if that was all he knew in his short years of life as he shivered in cold terror as he wondered what new or old horrors he will experience today. It was so dark and lonely as he prayed silently for someone to rescue him from this never ending nightmare. He knew at such a young age that people in situations like this won't live very long and the thought terrifies him even more. He knew what his fate was but he didn't want to die! He doesn't want to die horrifically like his parents did so many nights ago!

He wanted to live! He wanted to live and save his baby brother from the monsters that took them from their home. He wants to be free again. He wants...to not feel pain and fear anymore. If he couldn't have that, at least set his baby brother free. He would... accept that if he could prevent his baby brother from feeling any more shame or pain from these people.

'So Please....Anyone!..Please save us!' Seokjin screamed inside his head, vocal cords paralyzed beyond repair from the constant screams that were forced out of his ravaged throat long ago. His watery red eyes darted around in a panic inside the filthy cell, looking for a hint of light to cling onto to keep his sanity but finding none like always. He gasps in a breath and shudders at the smell of blood and piss invading his nose as it coats the air inside of the basement. He huddles farther down in the corner of the cage in only a torn dirty shirt that was stained with old and new blood and dirty tears and whimpers in fear as he hugs his knees to his chest at the sound of footsteps coming down the stoned tomb-like cellar towards his cell.

"Oh? What do we have here?" A voice taunts from the darkness as the footsteps halt in front of his cell. "I think this boy is awake now!" He announces as a beam of light penetrates the densely packed darkness of his cell and shines on the wide eyed boy, hurting his sensitive eyes.

"It's your turn now, sweet thing. This is gonna be so much fun! I hope you scream nice and loud like your tiny little brother did for us!" The hooded stranger says with glee, undoing the chain to his cage and swinging the squeaky door open to march inside closer to Seokjin, making his stomach twist with fear.

'My little brother? What did they do to Jungkook?! Where is he?! Why isn't anybody coming to save us?' he cowers further back into the hay as he looks at the greasy hooded man licking his lips hungrily at him.

'Where are the good guys that stop people like this? I want my daddy! I'm so scared!' Seokjin trembles when the man's rough hands latch onto his small shoulders and drag him out the cage as he kicks and screams for his daddy to save him, ruining his already damaged vocal cords even more. The hooded man cruelly dragged him out into the open space of the desolate stone church, pulling him to the center of the room by his torn shirt before throwing him up against a freezing cold sticky slab of stone jutting up in the center and hissed in pain from the impact.

He scrambled upright to severely bruised, brittle thin legs and took in his surroundings with wide terrified eyes. Thick, dark red candles hanging from brass sconces on the brick walls highlighted weird symbols that covered the boarded windows and floor in rusted red paint. The red lines and symbols led all the way back to the jagged, obsidian slab of stone in a three ring circle as twenty or so strangers shrouded in black hoods stood outside the outer circle and held hands in whispered prayer. The room went quiet in an ominous silence for a split second as the hooded figures gleefully acknowledged his presence before beginning to fill up the space with their chanting as they simultaneously reached for Jin.

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