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Somewhere In the Depths of Hell...

Tucked in the heart of the icy plains of hell, was a lone black and green castle which stood suspended in the permanently white sky that belonged to no other than the prince of Torment and Pain as he sat atop his throne in utter boredom. Dark fluffy curls fell over the prince's perfectly shaped forehead and shrouded his narrowing green eyes as he stared down the writhing soul that was the cause of his boredom and flared his stained claws again with a sigh.

"Your screams are so disappointingly pathetic that I feel sorry for those who have to hear it." Hoseok mused, eyebrows raised as he observed the owner of those broken screams. "Tell me, Can you try to change it up for me? Maybe deepen it? Ohhh, maybe more childlike?! Just- do it differently!" Hoseok snapped as he sharpened his bloodied blackened claws on the back of the tortured soul spasming at the base of his ivory and ash throne, shredding her sunken in black and blue blotted flesh with ease. Her loud screams of agony rippled through the palace chamber, ricocheting off the grimy blackened walls as it sent the spiny hellrats into a frenzy of hope of feasting on her remains long after she passed on. Hoseok sucked his teeth at the noise, annoyed at her lack of participation in his search for fun as she blubbered on and on about mercy.


From a demon prince of hell. 'How amusing,' his lips twitched into a smile.

"So you ask for mercy? From a demon of all things? Are we exchanging jokes now? Or Did you perhaps have aspirations of being a court jester when you walked the earth? No? Then what about your victims asking mercy of you?" Hoseok blinked innocuously, eyes almost appearing genuine. "The elderly that came to you as trusting patients that you tortured and killed. What did you say to them?" Hoseok whispered soothingly as he smoothed a blood drenched hand through her tangled hair before ripping her ear off and watching her blood splatter across his throne and the bottom half of his pristine white pants in beautifully red spurts.

"Please! Mercy! Mercy!!!" She shrieked, voice raw and blown out from screaming for the past six hours. Hoseok grinned, showing a mouth full of razor sharp teeth as he flared his claws and sank them into her eye socket, plucking the slippery wet things out as her body spasmed through a gurgling scream.

"I didn't ask you what your victims begged of you. I asked, "What did you say to them when they pleaded for mercy?" He giggled while popping the wet organ into his mouth and savored the gooey squishy center as it exploded under the crunching pressure of his teeth and slid down his throat. He halfheartedly licks his fingers clean before gently palming her head between his large hands and pushes her tangled hair back from her bloody face and patted her cheek in deceptive comfort.

"I....i...I told them m-mercy didn't live here. T-that only hell lies with-within my retirement c-center." The woman wailed in pain as his claws dug deep into her scalp. "B-but I didn't mean it!! I-I didn't know any better! Please!! I'm so sorry! Gods, I'm sorry! So please LET ME GO!" Hoseok nodded his head in fake sympathy, concealing his laughter at the thought of her evoking her lord and saviour's name in his domain.

"Yes, my dear. That is what you said to them. So allow me to answer your pleas the same way. Only hell lives here and you're staring at his son." The false sympathy fell away from his features as he slowly tightened his hands, squeezing her skull as she screamed and fought to get away. The black veins on his wrist began to pulse and fatten underneath his near translucent skin as he slowly crushed her skull between his hands until it finally caved in, popping like a red fair balloon over the black marble staircase of his throne.

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