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"are you alright babygirl" for a second i thought my heart will pop out of my chest when he brought his face close to mine, he is handsome as hell. even with come bruises and one cut lip corner with little blood he still looked freaking handsome.

i mentally slapped my self from thinking like that about him. i must be crazy.

'snap snap snap' he snapped his fingers "am i that handsome" he said teasing me as i spaced out earlier~hehe

"what! no i wasn't thinking about you" sh*t what is wrong with me

"i didn't even said that you told me yourself" god what does he think he is, he is starting to annoy me.  

"what noooo, ahhhh.....anyways thank you for helping me now go away" i started my way to home without even biding him goodbye. he stood there dumpfounded.

"yah! it is a way to thank someone who just save your life" he screamed from a distance which made me stop. i really didn't want to ignore him cause he is my saviour instead i owe him big but honestly i didn't want to get involve with this guy.. i don't know but he doesn't seem good like some kind of evil vibes surround him so without turning back i continued my way straight to my home leaving him behind.

after i reach home i closed the door taking a last peek to see if he was following me or not but he was not 'thank god' i released a heavy sigh.

"mom! dad! i m home" i said as i began to remove my shoes

"what took you so long! you know the rules right no one st-" my mom asked with a worried tone but i didn't let her complete her sentence as i knew what she was going to say.

"yeah yeah no one stays out after 8.... i get it mom and i was just 5 minutes it probably like nothing big issue 'maybe it would have been a big issue if that guy...i mean felix wouldn't have helped me~hehe' i'll get going to my room now " i replyed her in annoyed tone. my family had mad a rule that no one leaves or stays out of the house after 8 but i m glad that felix helped me.

"okay! dinner will be ready in 5 minutes make sure you come on time"

"okay mom"   with that i opened the door of my room and threw my self on the bed as soon as i got in.

what a weird day it was i suddenly got into two guys when i m barely noticed by any guys in my class. it is not that i m not beautiful its just that i m not like any other girls.

...........wait........let me tell you something about myself; 

I m L/N Y/N.

 i m 17 yrs old. 

still single but i don't want some stupid random guy.... he must special.

i m beautiful..... buuuuttt last summer before vacations i beat some guys to death because they were hurting a little puppy and some girls saw it and spread false rumors that i beat them because they proposed me 'what a b*tch they are ' but i don't blame them cause whatever happened is now not distracting me from my studies thanks to her that guys in my school are afraid of me now.

yep! i m a strong girl not like others girls around, well! i guess but i got scared when the men from earlier, got me maybe because they look too strong and dangerous.  

i have a best friend Mira that you know already. she is pretty as well and a top student from our class and for that i really envy really but still i m proud of her.

OK! that's it for now..

i was looking through my phone and suddenly the scenario from earlier popped in my head i was wondering what felix was doing and i suddenly got back my senses. i slapped myself for that "ouch! that stings" i said while holding my cheek that i accidently slapped myself hard out of embarrassment. 'i m really stupid sometimes'.

"come down Y/N dinner is ready" my mom yelled from downstairs

"coming mom" i rushed down to dinning room as i was craving for food. well my mom is a real good cook i must say.

my mom served my plate and served her's too and yeah! she made my favorite food (you can imagine whatever your favorite food is :D) i thanked her for it and started munching on my food it was delicious.suddenly i came to my senses that dad isn't home yet and immediately asked my mom out of nowhere "why isn't dad home yet"

my mom casually said that she must have left some work to do as usual so i really didn't mind as sometimes dad comes home late due to work and its pretty normal to us now.

after dinner i helped my my mom to wash the dishes and bid her goodbye only to rush towards my room. it has been half hour since the dinner and here i m watching k-drama in my room when suddenly a loud thud which made me flinch and i heard my dad yelling something i got curious and scared too. at first i thought that dad is drunk but he never drinks this much so i got panicked. i went out of my room to check if everything is fine or not and tried to hear what they were talking about hiding from the stairs.

"get her out of here" dad yelled

"what!?" mom replied in pure confusion



I m extremely sorry for not updating for almost more that 3 months.. i m really sorry

but i'll update on time now

please ignore the spelling errors and grammatical mistakes

and please VOTE :)

《LAST PRINCESS》P.S.HDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora