TRAUMA (part 4)

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se: and what were u saying that i'm poking my nose in between u both then let me clear it madam that i'm his wife so i hv full right to poke my leg or my nose in my husbands matter so better keep ur mouth to urself....

SHOCK, this would be a statement for both ishani and ahana 

i to ad: u r married

ad: any doubt

i: bu...(before she can say anything aryan called adjal in his room {not the one where ridhima is staying})

aryan's room 

ad: so what do u wan't to tell us

ar: woh actually i want to tell u guy's something related to ridhima(serious tone)

se: hmm we r listening

ar: first promise that u won't interrupt between 

se: aryan tu to aise bol raha h k jaise pata nhi kya batane ja raha h(and she chuckled, but after seeing aryan's face she stopped)

se: ok tell

after that aryan told them every single thing about ridhima and vansh from how they met to till  the conference , and he was just going to tell her about ridhima again being in trauma when they heard:

ri: (shouting) LEAVE MEEE!!!!, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DO.....DON'T COME.....NEAR ME.....(she starts crying loudly)

hearing her shouts every one came to her room and saw her crying in sleep


not able to see her like this aryan rudhed towards her while adjal and raisinghania family was rooted at their place seeing her this state(excluding ahana including ishani)

ar:(waking her) ridhima ridhima wake up look e..everyone is,,no...nothing...will..happen u(even he started choking, abd tears started making their ways)

ri:(jerking him) NO LEAVE MEEEEE....DO...........DON'T....CO....COME..........NEAR.....ME........PLZZZZZZ...(SOBBING)

ar:(he jerked her so hardly that she sat on her bed being startled), (shouting) WAKE UP, EVERYONE IS HERE NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO U JUST COME TO UR SENSES!!!!!!!!!!!

ridhima slowly looked up then everyone when she saw vansh, daadi and angre her eyes again became teary and tears started rolling frm her eyes, then she saw adi and sejal

ri:(whispering) bh..bhai(her vision becomes blurry and she fainted)

ad: RIDHIMAAA!!!!!!!!!(he started crying seeing her like that for once again)

ad:(crying) ar..aryan...wh..what happened to...he..her, wa...wasn't

ar: fine plzzzz don't cry she needs u(even he was crying, whereas sejal was atanding their like a statue with an emotionless face unable to believe that once again ridhima has gone into this state but after gaining some courage she said)


aryan nodded with teary eyes, sejal and aditya's eye become blank they were starting him without ant emotion in their eyes or face evn their tears stopped whereas raisinghania's were shocked to know that.................................

so what do u think that sejal has asked that raisinghania's are shocked and adjal are staring aryan without any emotion???????

that's it for todays update 


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