chapter 1

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"I don't understand why do I need to go to a stupid doctors office, Can't I just stay home and do it over the phone like everything else now a days?" I complained

"No Eric, you cant do this kinda appointment on the phone. your going for a CT scan." My mom said

"Ugh. Fine, aslong as we can get icecream after?"


Yay another doctors appointment on a Saturday. wonder how much its gonna kill me this time, at least i get ice cream. I make my way too my bedroom and suddenly i cant breath i reach for my inhaler but my vision go's black.

I woke up in a hospital, its Sunday, October 16th. Im hooked up to a bunch of different machines and monitors, I looked to my left and see my father talking to a doctor while my mother was sitting next too my bed crying with her head down. I reach over and gently touch her hand and i hear her sigh in relief. I gave a slight smile to try and cheer her up. She gets up to hug me but suddenly a monitor starts going haywire and triggers an alarm and a nurse runs into the room and the doctor starts checking the wires while the nurse urges my mom and dad out the room.

"Whats wrong with me?" I ask the doctor weakly.

"Your bloods not getting enough oxygen and your heart rate is getting critically low" the doctor said and starts putting a oxygen mask over my face while hooking some more stuff to my chest that sends a jolt to my heart to speed up my heart rate. As they do this my vision starts to fade and while i fight to stay conscious, suddenly everything stopped, suddenly its quiet, the alarm ,the monitor, the cries of my mother and the yelling of my father, the faint beat of my heart, suddenly its all gone.
The silence is quickly cut off by giggling and laughing. the sene changes and i see a silhouette of a girl standing out in a sunset.
"Hey, whats your name?" I called out trying to move towards her but she starts running through a field giggling.
"its not our time yet silly" she replied as she disappeared into the flowery sunset.
What did she mean?, suddenly i feel something grab me by the leg like an invisible force is dragging me down. Suddenly the ringing is back and i feel my heart beat racing in my chest as I'm heaving and gasping for air.
"Thought we lost you for a second kid" the doctor said as he starts talking about how my heart stopped for a few minutes but i couldnt stop think of what that girl said: "its not 'our' time yet." What could she have meant by that?

"Wheres my mom and dad" I asked the doctor weakly.

"Ill bring them in" he says

My dad comes into the room and starts yelling at the doctor about how if he had taken proper precautions that this would never have happened, before running over to my bedside along side my mother who's crying her eyes out.
", its ok I'm still here." i said trying to calm them down. Soon after a few minutes of my mom and dad asking if i was ok, i just said i was, the doctor started pushing them out saying I needed to rest.

"Hey doc, did someone else die here." I ask

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