Chapter 2

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"No what do you mean?" The doctor questioned me.

"Well i just was wondering because when i apparently died i saw a girl around my age telling me its not our time." I explained.

"Maybe its your guardian angel letting you know your not needed in heaven right now and that your need is on earth with your family." The doctor say's smiling.

"Maybe." i reply relaxing back into the uncomfortable hospital bed.

The doctor leaves and i reach for my phone and see that mom texted.

hey how you feeling kiddo? The doctor said we can take you home after your CT-scan later tomorrow afternoon ok?

— I'm feeling ok, and do i really have to go through that damned machine again?

— yes, I'm sorry my love but its for your own benefit. Now get some rest thats an order

— yes mam.

I put my phone down next to me and close my eyes. I guess i was even more tired then i thought because it doesn't take long for sleep to ingulf me.

*time skip to next morning*

I wake to my mom at my side and the soft beeping of machines.

"Morning mom" I whisper to her seeing if she is awake

My mom stirs awake and grins at me and brushes my hand with hers as she tells me about how dad had went home to get rest for work and that i should probably shower and get ready for my scan because its at 1pm and its 12:30 pm now. She helped me move to the shower room. I strip and look at myself in the mirror and let out a sigh. I spin around and turn on the shower when suddenly a sharp pain shoots up my leg and i have to brace my self against the tub so i don't fall. Its not unusual for this to happen its happens a lot through out my life. As soon as the pain stops i step in to the shower and wash my hair then my body, i was one of the lucky ones which chemo doesn't effect my hair to much. personally i think its my best trait but thats because i always have dark circle's under my eyes and i never smile because i never have a reason too. I get out the shower get dressed into my medical gown and walk out to the doctor is waiting for me.

"Hello mr.Richardson, how are you this evening? Are you ready to get your CT-scan?" The doctor questioned me with a gentile smile.

"As ready as ill ever be I guess" i reply disappointed.

The doctor walks me to a room a few a few hallways down. I walk in and lay on the table that slides in and out of the CT-scanner, the doctor who turns out to be dr.Davis went up too the machine turning it on and pressing a few buttons. The table I'm laying on started to enter the machine as light of the round machine light up the doctor retreats too a small cubicle in the corner of the room, i close my eyes and just relax as if I'm not being nuked my radiation—Im exaggerating of course but still i wont be surprised if i cant have kids later in life if i even live that long of course. After about an hour and a half the doctor says i can get dressed and head out. I leave and head to the room where my cloths are at. As I'm getting dressed my phone go's off and i see its my mom i answer and she says that she is in the waiting room and has a surprise for me. Im sure its just another video game or something. I finish getting dressed and head out towards the waiting room as i exit the main doors i see my mom standing there, and in dads hands.....

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