the sudden stop.

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its been a few years since streamelements and eating_infants were engaged, their wedding was set to take place in 3 months time.

then, eating_infants met someone. someone they really liked. they quickly realised they liked this person. perhaps you could call it love.

their name was rock. they were beautiful, kind and caring. eating_infants quickly felt as if they were drifting away from streamelements and towards rock.

soon enough, rock and eating_infants were best friends. they did everything together, eating_infants could tell rock liked them too, however, none of them had the gut to tell each other, nevermind telling streamelements about this.

a month has passed by now. it's 2 months until the wedding is about to take place, and eating_infants asked streamelements for a serious chat. streamelements knew deep down in its heart that something was about to happen.

eating_infants takes a deep breath and spills all their feelings out: "streamelements, i'm sorry, i love you but just not in the way i did years ago when we were younger. you're an awesome person and i love you. but nothing more than platonically. ive fallen in love with another, zer name is know them, you know that we are best friends. it's a mutual feeling we have. i'm so sorry it had to come to this and end this way. i hope we can still be friends, if not it's okay i totally understand, i'll pay you back for al the wedding things."

streamelements just stared in disbelief for a few seconds and sighed, "i knew something was off. please, just don't make it too awkward, we can still be friends and i accept you for who you are. i love you too, but romantically. however, i will learn to love you just as a friend. thank you for being so kind. about it"

eating_infants says with a huge smile, "REALLY? thank you for being so understanding! you're truly amazing!"

Streamelements and eating_infants .Where stories live. Discover now