Chapter 1

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My life was pretty normal for a teenager until I met her. Everything changed after that.
Let me back it up to how our story began. It was an average school day, my best friend Tyson picked me up and drove us to school. That’s when things took a turn for the worst.

I was messing around with Tyson when I bumped into Alexis. Now, let me tell you about Alexis. She’s the most popular girl at school but I was on the lowest of the food chain basically, I'm a nerd.
It was safe to assume that we have never interacted, she’s openly gay and drop-dead gorgeous. She has curly brown hair with blue eyes, so blue that you feel like you are staring at the ocean. And I, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. I have green eyes, and I'm pretty average looking with ginger wavy hair. I'm also a closeted bisexual which obviously nobody knows about but back to the topic at hand, I accidentally crashed into her and I kinda gay panicked.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

Of all the people I could bump into, it had to be her. She smiled and looked me up and down and then she replied in the sexiest voice I had heard. "No problem, sweetheart."
I literally froze. I couldn’t speak so I just quickly nodded, grabbed Tyson and we immediately rushed to class without looking back to see her reaction.
"Sorry about that Ty, I just panicked."
He looked at me with a confused expression, but he was also blushing and that’s when I realised, I was still holding his hand. I quickly dropped his hand and I could have sworn that his smile dropped for a second but it happened so suddenly I couldn’t be certain.

"It’s okay but why exactly did you panic?"
Shit, I should have known he would ask me why. I straight girl gay panicked over Alexis calling me sweetheart. I obviously couldn’t tell him the real reason so I just shrugged and replied. "She’s popular Ty, I just didn’t want to be caught up in the drama of it all."
That seemed like a foolproof lie, hopefully, he believed me. He looked at me then chuckled and hugged me. "Of course, you would think of that out of all the things that could happen you never fail to surprise me, Lana."

He looked at me with his big brown eyes in adoration. He’s so cute. Lana focus, he’s your best friend.
"You know you love me, Ty. Anyway, class is about to start so we can talk more later, okay?" Tyson just nodded while the teacher droned on about geography stuff that I frankly couldn’t comprehend to save my life.
Later I'd get the notes off Tyson, he actually paid attention and I mean normally I do but right now all I can think about is Alexis and her beautiful brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes.
Dammit, I can’t get my mind off her. I envy her though, to be able to have the confidence to be yourself and not care what other people think because of who you like.

It was finally lunchtime; I was on my way to the cafeteria when some people I recognised as Alexis’s friends stood right in front of me. They were nothing like Alexis, they thought they were royalty. I’ve thankfully never crossed paths with them but clearly, they wanted something from me.
"Can I help you?" Idiot. Why did you speak? You should have waited for them to talk. Ah, shit, calm down. I took a deep breath and looked back up at them.
She smirked at me. Ah, shit, I'm screwed, tell my parents I love them.
"Actually, yeah, you can."
I looked at her with confusion written all over my face, what the hell did they want?
"You can stay away from Alexis, we don’t need someone like you hanging around her, okay? You got that clear?"
What the fuck is her problem? I’ve only talked to her once and you could barely even call it that. I ran away like a coward. So, I just nervously nodded but she didn’t seem satisfied with my reaction.
She grabbed me by my collar and looked me in the eyes and practically growled, "This is a reminder to stay away."
She slammed me into the lockers and it winded me, it hurt to breathe and when I thought that was all she was going to do to me, her friends pulled me up and they punched me repeatedly.
This is one of the reasons why I won’t come out. I’m already hated for just being me and frankly, I’m not going to give them more reasons to hate me and bully me with. They finally stopped and dropped me on the ground.
She looked me in the eyes and said, "Let this be a warning and don’t make me ask again or it will be worse from here on out." She smiled, well, more like grinned evilly, and she and her friends walked away.

I couldn’t move, I just lay there in the school halls. I was definitely bleeding and I felt I had some sort of a concussion and possibly some bruising. I had no idea how I was going to hide them from my brothers, I was so fucking screwed. I eventually heard footsteps and someone got close to me. I could hear them sigh.
"Who did this?"
I was too delirious to realise who was asking me, but I replied, "Alexis’s friends."
The person seemed upset and angry with my answer. I said nothing else and felt the person pick me up off the floor and whisper, "Don’t worry, I’ve got you."
I thought I didn’t know who it was but I felt safe and comfortable in their arms.
It must have been a few hours before I woke up with Tyson looking at me with a worried expression. He seemed to sigh in relief when I looked up at him. He hugged me but I groaned in pain and he must have realised his mistake.
"I’m so sorry, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you." He looked so destroyed so I hugged him back and ignored the pain.
"It’s okay, Ty, it wasn’t your fault but now that you mention it, who brought me to the nurse’s office?”
He smirked when I asked him, with a knowing look on his face.
What? She rescued me even though it was her friends that did this to me? It was her arms that I felt safe in. That makes things even more complicated for me. I can’t have a crush on her, I just can’t.
"Oh, that was nice of her," I blushed. I think Tyson noticed but he thankfully kept it to himself.

Edited by my friend ☺️

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