Chapter 2

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Tyson eventually went back to class once lunch was over. I wasn’t in the best shape to go back to class so I stayed in the nurse’s office. I was going to stay until the end of classes since there weren’t many classes left. I was scrolling on my phone since I was pretty bored and after the whole incident, I’ve decided to stay away from Alexis. As much as I like her, it’s not worth getting bullied over and I barely even know her so it’s easier this way, it will hurt less.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, the final school bell had gone off. I noticed someone was sitting in the chair near the bed I was in, they must have noticed I was awake because they got up off the chair. My eyes finally adjusted after waking up from my nap and I'm not kidding I nearly shit my pants. Alexis was looking at me with a concerned expression and I just stared at her like an idiot. How can one person be so attractive? It’s insane.

"How are you feeling?"

‘Right now, I’m trying not to panic with how gorgeous you look and not to mention your sexy voice.’

Obviously, I didn’t say that out loud, I just nodded because she makes me so fucking nervous and I’d rather not embarrass myself in front of her.

This is kind of going against my plan to avoid her so I have to initiate the plan as soon as possible. I got out of the bed to go to my locker so I could go home. Hopefully, I can sneak by my brother’s bedrooms.

"Thanks for bringing me here earlier. I really appreciate it, but due to what happened I think it would be better if you pretended I didn’t exist."

Her concerned expression now changed and she just looks hurt. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, I just wanted to spare myself the heartbreak and further bullying from her so-called friends.

"If that’s what you want then sure. I won’t bother you again but I’m glad you’re okay. I’ll see you around Lana."

Alexis quickly left after that I don’t know if I made a mistake or not because I obviously like her but maybe it’s better this way. I made my way to my locker to get my homework and anything else I needed from there. I noticed Tyson coming towards my locker to walk me home like usual.

"Hey, are you okay? you look stressed?"

Of course, I’m stressed. I just told the girl that I have the biggest crush on to never talk to me again because her friends are shitheads and frankly, she deserves better than a closeted bisexual such as myself.

"I told Alexis that she should stay away from me for obvious reasons and I’m just a bit upset.” ‘Because she could have been my first girlfriend.’ “I’ll be okay, don’t worry about it, let’s just go home."

‘I hate seeing her look so sad. She’s my best friend and I've had the biggest crush on her for as long as I can remember. I should make my move soon before it’s too late and she moves on. I definitely don’t want that to happen. She deserves the world and I'm willing to give it to her. I'll always protect her and treat her like the queen she is.’ Tyson thought as he stood there waiting for me.

"If you say so, let’s go."

We walked toward my house and that’s when I started to freak out. What if my brothers see me hurt? They would freak the fuck out and I don’t want to explain to them why and have them embarrass me and make the whole situation worse when I've already solved it.

We finally made it to my house and I said goodbye to Tyson. He continued on his way to his house. I think I should tell him I'm bisexual. It’s killing me that I can't talk to anyone about this and it would be so much easier. At least I wouldn’t have to hide the fact I have the biggest crush on Alexis plus he could give me advice. It would just feel so good not having to be so cautious all the time. I know Tyson wouldn’t judge but it’s the fact that there’s a small chance he won’t accept me and it would literally kill me. He’s my best friend and I never want to lose him no matter what, even if it means staying in the closet a little longer until I can figure out if he would be okay with my sexuality.

I walked into my house and I quickly went up the stairs hoping and praying my brothers wouldn’t hear me and come out of their rooms. I really don’t want to deal with this right now, I just want to sulk in my bedroom over my crush.

Apparently, luck wasn’t on my fucking side. Just as I was about to go into my room my brother, Alexander, walked out of his room and I just stood there, frozen to the spot, and he stared at me giving me a once over. When he noticed I was hurt he rushed to me, asking me if I was okay, and because he was being so loud my two other brothers, Alaric and Clyde, came out of their rooms to see what the noise was about.

Luck really isn’t on my fucking side today. Like what the fuck universe? Give me a break, it’s very homophobic of you. Yes, I know I’m being dramatic but I have every right to be. My brothers are so overprotective even though I can take care of myself.

Nobody knows but I secretly go to MMA lessons so I can learn to fight. Since it’s a secret, it’s why I didn’t fight back against the bullies. I go to this gym nearby to practice and the people there know me as I'm a regular. They keep my secret, thankfully, as we are all like a little family. I'm the only girl there but they are all pretty cool and sweet for people who could kick your ass any day of the week.

"What the fuck happened to you? who did this to you?" My brother Alexander was much taller than me, he was broad as he worked out.

I’m the closest to him because we are closer in age than me and my other brothers. Alexander has green eyes, and his hair is curly and dark brown. I can’t get out of this now, I suppose, I should just tell them the truth as much as I don’t want to. I don’t want to lie about something else because all I seem to do is lie and keep secrets and I'm sick of it.

"Some girls from my school, they are popular and I'm not, and they seemed to have it in their head that I was becoming friends with Alexis when I wasn’t. I barely know her, I just bumped into her and that was all. They didn’t believe me and they knocked me around a bit and I ended up in the nurse’s office. It was Alexis who took me there, she’s nothing like her friends which is why I'm surprised she’s even friends with them. She’s super sweet, and well, they are the complete opposite, but I told Alexis that she shouldn’t interact with me because I don’t need the conflict.”

"I could talk to the principal if you want, just say the word and I will."

This is what I was worried would happen. They will just make the situation worse. I know they are just looking out for me but I'm a big girl who can take care of herself. I know they won’t let this go until they are sure I'm okay or at least know that Alexis’s friends aren’t bullying me anymore.

“Thank you, Clyde but I'm okay. Don’t worry, Tyson is there and he was at lunch when it happened. He feels guilty enough so don’t say anything to him but trust me, I'm okay. If they bother me again, I'll tell you guys. I love you all and I appreciate that you guys are worried but I'm a big girl and I can handle myself. Plus, I can fight my own battles."

They looked at me with understanding but they all nodded and smiled. Alexander screamed group hug and we were all just hugging at the landing near the stairs. I couldn’t ask for better brothers. I think I might come out to them soon; they are the only family I have so I want them to know. I want to stop hiding and I really hope I get over my crush on Alexis, but for now, I'll just enjoy my brother’s comfort.

Edited by my friend I'm working on chapter 3 hope yous enjoy ☺️

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