Episode 1: 2p Norway's Hugs

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It was a normal day, where Greenland was loudging in her chair and reading along with Sweden. Norway was staring at the TV without caring very much as Finland switched the channels.

“Hey, go back, Finland,” Norway ordered and the request was quickly obliged.

“Never mind,” he kept staring at the news, which was in Danish due to their loudest brother tampering with which signals they received.

“Where is Denmark?”

“Out with Prussia, probably,” Greenland guessed, with no one retaliating.

“Hey, guys! Sealand's here!”

Finland turned to the door and put the remote down, though it was promptly taken by the Norwegian, and he smiled.

“Hello, Sealand. Are you here to play?”

“No! That jerk England was being a meanie and I came here! Hey, dad! Can I play Minecraft?”

Sweden looked up from his reading and nodded and the young microcountry ran off to get Sweden's laptop.

Norway rested the remote onto the table and leaned onto his arm, where he sighed and rested a little. It wasn't a particularity exciting day for them all, and Norway didn't have Iceland home to entertain him, and Denmark was there and annoying him, which was both a negative and a positive.

Norway felt sleep tug at him, and his often empty eyes began to droop, leaning back into the couch. Vaguely, he heard the TV volume lower and, who he suspected was, Finland pull a blanket over him and he fell into a sleep.

– (.','.) –

Still, everyone was in their same position, though since Norway's going to sleep, they had eaten and played a few games with on another, along with a few visitors that had left since their arrival. Sealand had been playing Minecraft next to Norway for a majority of the time.

Finland was walking over to Norway to wake him up for food, but rather than waking a groggy Norwegian, he was given a warm hug.

“Hello, Finny!” an, admittedly displacing, cheerful voice of Norway rang in his ears.

Finland gave a hesitant hug back to his brother and greeted him slowly, “Hello, Norway. Um, would you like something to eat? You skipped lunch.”

Norway giggled. Giggled. Both Sweden and Greenland looked up and cast a worried look to the man, and the latter tensed up upon catching the out of character man.

Leaning over, she whispered to the tallest of those there, “Sweden, I think he's gone 2p...” the other nodding.

Meanwhile, Finland was playing along, not too sure of his brother's oddness. He laughed with him, and let him go. Before he left, he gave Finland a light kiss on his forehead. Backing up, Finland watched him wonder over and give a hug to Greenland.

Vaguely, Greenland could hear her shortest brother pull out his camera and take some photos. She cringed inwardly, and walked over to Finland's side.

“Sweden...” Norway walked over to the tallest of then, who was now standing and wary of the much shorter one, “Give me a hug!” he held his arms out for a hug, a beaming smile that made most of them more tense than loose.

Sweden bent down, and gave a gentle hug to the Norwegian, who pulled his down and kissed him on the cheek, an odd smile shinning on his face. Sealand blanched at the sight and continued his game, turning his back to his odd family. The Swede sent a desperate look to his other two relatives.

Finland decided to help, ejoying Norway's mood anyways, and called to him, “Norway, give me another hug!”

The personification of Norway let go, and gave the Finn a large hug, the two smiling as if it was their lifeline.

“He's not as bad drunk,” Greenland whispered to Sweden, who had walked away from the now giggling country that was embraced.

“At least he isn't taking his clothing off...” Sweden replied, adjusting his glasses.

Norway grinned their way, both freezing, and replied, his voice almost singing, “That could easily be changed.”

“No!” everyone yelled.

“Family hug!” Finland called out.

Greenland sighed, but agreed to the idea and gave a hug around the other two, the three pairs of eyes looking to Sweden, and he sighed, walking over and reaching around the others, firmly hugging them.

“Sealand!” Norway chirped to the young micronation, who hunched over even more upon hearing his name.


“Come one, Sealand, please?” Finland cooed to the other.

Craning his neck to look over, he frowned at the odd group and Sweden sighed, leaving them and hugging the small nation, who let out a choking sound.

“You're choking me! You're squeezing too hard!”

The much older nation released the younger and apologized, “Ursäkta.”

Sealand gathered the laptop and ran off into, probably, Finland's room, not enjoying everyone's presence.

“Ha ha ha ha!” the front door was slammed open, a Dane standing at the entrance and held onto many packs of beer, with one already open.

“The King of Northern Europe is here!” he screamed, his cheek a rosy color and movement wobbly as he stood there, attempting to walk over to the broken up hug.

“Anyone want some beer? Got it from,” he hiccuped, “Prussia! Norge?”

Norway looked at it and nodded, accepting a drink. As if he were on fire, Denmark made a dash into the upstairs and his room, where it slammed closed with a resounding slam.

Norja...” Finland cast a worried look as the said individual opened the beer who gave him a grin.

Taking a small sip, the Norwegian suddenly frowned the slightest bit and then lowered the can, staring at the drink and looked at the rest, who all watched him closely.

“What? Why am I holding beer?” his monotone voice was the only sound, excluding the loud Dane that was most certainly drunk.

“Oh, he's back to normal,” a hint of sadness was in Finland's voice.

“Thank goodness,” Sweden sighed, relaxing his shoulders.

Greenland gave a nod, and walked over, placing a hand on Norway's shoulder, “Please, never do that to us again.”

Norway nodded.

“I'm glad you're normal again,” Sweden came up.

“So am I.” Norway replied, walking away and dumping the can's contents into the drain.


Ursäkta -- Swedish -- I'm sorry
Norja -- Finnish -- Norway

Based off of Tardisread's first chapter of her story, "The Lost Nordic's Episodes" The character, Greenland, is her character that is used. Thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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