The Benefits

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Sapnap pulled Dream close by his hips. They had relaxed enough to just connect their lips without too much thought. Sapnap's hands dragged through blonde hair, pulling lightly. Meanwhile, Dream's arms hung loosely around Sap's neck as they kissed. They kissed for a minute, just enjoying the contact of their lips and tongues.
Sapnap lightly pulled away to say, "Let me show you some of those benefits Dreamy."

Sapnap pulled Dream off the couch and into his office. Sapnap pushed Dream onto his gaming chair and climbed onto his lap. It was a tight squeeze but he was able to fit his legs through the wholes below the arm rests. Sapnap pulled Dream's head up by his hair. He let out a groan and stared into Sap's eyes. Sapnap bit at Dream's lips, forcing him to go straight into a hysteric wet make out session. Sapnap ground his hips into Dream's as they made out. He dry humped while he dug his nails into Dream's scalp and sucked on his neck.

(Im sorry this is too hot to be about minecraft block men. So thats all you get you horny mfs. Go read any of my other books if you want porn lmao
Maybe I'll put it in this oneshots book im thinking about making. :// who knows! Follow me lmao)

"Damn that was great.." Dream huffed.
"Yeah.." Sapnap agreed.

"Anyway, I was planning on going skateboarding with a few buddies later if you wanted to join." Sapnap offered.

"Yeah maybe, my legs are tired though." He looked down at his naked lower half.

"Darn. I did you too well. Oh well, see ya later loser." Sapnap threw Dream a peace sign as he strutted out the door. Dream simply sat in his chair, half naked, tired, and sweaty. He didn't feel like taking a shower.

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