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Cianas POV:

Of course, it was awarded, what the hell was I thinking! "have sex with one of your close friends and everything thing would be normal?", NO

It's been about a month since I last talked to bakugou, the only time we see each other is in class or during training

I really just want to go up to him and fix things but I'm too nervous, and weirdly super tired

Lately, I've been really tired and have the most random mood swings, I just assume it's from training more recently

It was the end of the day so class was over, Mina and I were just relaxing in her dorm when I got this sudden feeling to throw up, I ran to the bathroom

Everything I had eaten today was no longer in my stomach, I felt my hair being pulled out of the way

"Girl, you ok?" Mina asked as she put my hair back into a ponytail

"Ya, I'm sure I'll be fine" I said standing up to see mina giving me a spectacle look

"What?" I asked, wondering what was going on in her mind

"Have you had sex with anyone in the past two months?" She randomly asked

"W- what, why would that matter!?" I asked, flustered by the sudden question

"So you have?" She questioned further

"W- well yes, but why would that matter right now" I replied

"Ciana, I'm your best friend, I'm going to know when something seems off with you. And lately, you've been acting different" she said, walking back into her room.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned as I followed her

"Don't freak out, but I think you might be pregnant" she said turning around to look at me with a serious face

"And why would you think that?" I asked, trying not to freak out

"Well one you're more tired than usual, two your mood swings are out the roof, three you've been asking me about the most unordinary food combinations, and forth, you just threw up randomly" she listed

"Mina- "I was cut off by a sudden sob, I didn't even know I had started crying

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry, and we don't know for sure until you take a test," she said, giving me a hug

"Don't apologize, It's probably just my mood swings again, and you right we won't know for sure if I don't take a test" I replied, hugging her back

"Well until we can get you a test, why don't we have a sleepover tonight just you and me, to get your mind off things" she suggested

"I guess that would make me feel a little better" I agreed

And that's exactly what we did, watched old Disney movies, did our nails, made tiktoks, wore matching fluffy pajamas, and styled each other's hair

By the end of the night, I had completely forgotten about the conversation mina and I had before

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