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Another shitty lay. A man thinking he's hot shit, and I just had the best night ever. The motherfucker lasted 10 seconds I swear.

I push myself up and start throwing him his clothes.

“Aye what the hell" he says sitting up

“What did you think you were staying” I say amused he really thought he was worth my time

“Damn bitch you’re a lousy lay anyways.” He says finally dressed walking to the door

“You’re right that why I had you finished in 10 seconds and now I have to do you’re job for you have a nice night, bitch" I say slamming the door in his face not giving  him a second to respond.

Rule 7 never let them stay. It boost their egos. And as if men need more of that.

Right before I can through myself down on the bed theres a knock on the door. What the fuck is his deal. I go and open the door.

“Damn I get you’re- fuck sorry" I cut myself off met with some white ass Travis Scott

“ Yo I’m sorry to do this but were right next door and were locked out can we go through the door in you’re room" he ask.

“ Erm ya I guess if you promise not to kill me” I say with a slight laugh to ease the awkwardness.

2 boys walk through and before I can shut it another one comes up. Hes blonde and look like your typical boy band fuck off. He probably is a sound cloud rapper. Wouldn’t doubt it with his braided hippy friend.

“Don’t forget me “ he says

“Wouldn’t dream of it “ I respond finally shutting my door.

The blond looks around at my messy room “had some company “

“yes I did and he reminded me not to fuck men” I say completely not in the mood and just wanting to sleep

“See you just pick the wrong guys" he says in a cocky tone motioning to himself as if he's a better pick

“You’re right maybe you can last a minute it would be such a nice change. Don’t hype yourself up Barbie” I say

"Aye I'm a 2 minute man actually "  he says as an attempt to make me laugh

A man calls for him and he turns to the door to finally go to his room.

"Tell Ken I said hey"  I yell as hes shutting the door. I go and lock it.

Finally im able to get some rest but that's quickly shut down by their loud music.

One year later

Oh 2015, the year of boy bands squeezing their ways into my life. Finally I get somewhere with my music and all managment wants to fo is put me with some kids. Sure their around my age but doesnt make them less annoying. I only agreed to one dumb ass song with them. Now Peter my manager is talking about some tour. Over my dead body.

Some band named Chase Atlantic. Sounds like a bank to me. anyways. Their new album Nostalgia, has been getting tons of recognition along with my new song and both our mangers think its smart for us to work together
I couldn't tell you why. I only agreed because I know it can be good but still

"I'm gonna throw my body off a clif"

Peter try to hold his laugh" come on"

I look down at him "this is so dumb"

He doesnt acknowledge my cry for help and opens the door for me. I walk in finally leaving the Australian heat. We walk into the tall building and into a white room where 2 men are sitting.

"Hello, I'm Jesse and this is pat" one says when he sees us

"Morana and I'm Peter" Pete says shaking their hands and sitting down.

I finally sit down deciding it's best if I keep quiet. I really don't care for any of this.

I dont understand why he decided to put me with little boys. And to write a song with them. Luckly I dont have to sing it. Just have to help them. And I'll get some credit I guess. Charity how nice of me.

"Sorry the boys are late their still new to the music industry, so Morana how old are you again?" One ask I think his name was Jesse I dont know.

"Yeah it's ok I get it and I'm 16 turn 17 In april" I say quickly

"Ok ya good because I've seen to many younger kids work with older people and it all go wrong" he says

Where the hell are they. I've drove an hour here. And I am putting all this time in.

I zone out of the boys conversation. 
I never really follow along.

Finally the door opens and 3 boys walk in completely rushed looking

I think I just shit my heart out

The same boys from last year who couldn't let me sleep.

I'm working with these idoits.

The blond one looks up at me completely just as confused as me.

"You're the one I'm working with" he says

"You're Chase Atlantic, oh fuck me"

Rules - Christian Anthony Where stories live. Discover now