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I swear if the clock doesn't stop ticking I'm going to break it.

We're sitting here going over the song. I can read these men like a book. Red flags and egos the size of Sydney.

You know what's worse.

I actually like their music.

This isnt fair. I didn't realize they had real talent. Maybe I can work with them. It's not that I hate them. I just dont love the idea of working with men. Peter is like a brother so it's different. Doesn't mean I didn't give him a run for his money.

"Uhm hey Morana, I was thinking we could get some coffee or something. Just you and mean and work on our verse. The blond guy shoots up

Rule 4- never care for them or make time for them.

It's the only way I'm keeping on. My rules aren't ment to be broke and I'm gonna keep it this way.

"Ya sure right after I get my things done and have time." I say with the fake smile I can make.

He looks disappointed but doesn't stop him "30 minutes and we'll work the whole time promise."

"Why cant we work here?" I ask leaning to him.

"Ya you're right sorry" he says slumming down.

"Aye I think hes flirting with you" The boy I think named mitchel leans over to whisper.

"Is that supposed to be better?"

"Well I dont know I'm not a mind reader." He says sitting back up.

"You should be becuase a date would be worse." I say

"Would it really, you've paid more attention to him then you work"

"I'm trying to figure him out"

"And coffee would be perfect for that" he says painting a smug smile on his face

"I hate you"

He shoots his hand to his chest with a fake offense

He's right Christian is the only one I cant figure out. For example.

Mitchel- Youngest in his family. Definitely doesnt shut up or stop moving. He using his engery and his vibe masking whatever it is hes going through. But it's also how he is.

Clinton- the oldest. Man of few words. But he thinks alot. Springs alot of insecurities. Hes ok with being forgotten but it also hurts him.

Jesse- he looks at the boys like little kids. All he wants is what's best. He's playful with them like an older brother but definitely just wants them to be happy.

Pat- he likes being humble. It means alot when fans reach out to him. He deserves more love just doesnt realize it. Pat is the only one I like.

So would a coffee break help? Maybe the way he acts away from his friends will let me in. He's just as guarded as I am in a way. But in a whole different way. Whatever is one date. Work date.

I lean over so only he can hear me. "Alrighty you win 30 minutes of me giving you attention but you're paying" I say

His face looks confused at first but it lights up when it hits him

"Deal but an hour because coffee is expensive" he says leaning to me.

"Fine if I can stand you that long"

"Its a date" he says with the biggest smile

I drop my face "dont push it."

"Yeah yeah ok sorry"

I can't help but laugh at him. I straight and go back to work.


We walk into a small little coffee shop.

I caught myself being excited. I don't know why. I felt my heart skip when he waited for me and helped me pack my things up.

We get to the register and order. I didnt even want coffee so I just got a sweet tea. I didn't pay attention to what he ordered. I was busy focusing him the way he presented himself.

He carried a kind nature. The problem is most of the time it's all fake. Not with him. Almost as if he sees the world in gold.

We sit down finally and I pull out my laptop to start drafting anything we can think of.

He watches me closely. You can tell he doesnt know what to do.

Is he nervous?

"So did you live with you're family" he shoots out randomly

I'm taken aback by his question. I pull myself togther and say

"No I don't live with them"

"Oh, then where do you live?"

"I'm emancipated so wherever I can sleep" I saw trying to keep it short

"Why? are you're parents abusive?"

I look up at him in a what fuck manner.

"I'm so sorry I was wondering " he apologizes

"Its whatever"

"Sooo. Do you see them?"

What is his deal .

"You're really pushy barbie"

He smiles some before returning to his normal look " just wanna know you is that a crime?"

I can tell he's just curious

"My father never cared about me even when I tried to love him. My mother used that as an excuse for like everything, happy?" I say with a hurt face

I watch his face drop "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset"

I start laughing at him falling for it

"You're a liar??"

"No, but what's the point of trauma if you can't use it," I saw

"Now you're music makes sense, hey s
idea "daddy didn't want you're love" for the name"

I stare up at him

"You know Christian you really do know how to take things from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds" I say

"Its my only talent, oh and you can yall me kras " he says smiling

"Fine, now can we please work"

"Damn and I'm pushy"

Rules - Christian Anthony Where stories live. Discover now