Andys pov

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I ran into my first class with Colby hot on my heels. I knew that having music first would be an advantage.

MR.koochaki was always there early so I just ran in and closed the door behind me.

"You okay andy, you seem a big flustered" mr.koochaki questioned as he got up and wiped my forehead. "Is Colby bugging you once more" he asked and i nodded still panting. He smiled and gestured to the guitars knowing I'd want to play one.

I went and picked up a acoustic with a vine design. I started tuning it before sitting on a stool and playing "therapy by all time low" as I waited. the bell wrung just as I finished and I put up the guitar before sitting in a plastic chair.


"Aaaaaaaaannnnnnndddddddyyyyyyy!!!" Emery whined leaning on me.

"Whhhhhhhhaaaaaattttttt" I whined back and Raya laughed at us.

"I want your food!!!" She shouted making a few people turn their heads to us.

"Well it's my food so no. where's your food?" I asked.

"I ate it" she said simply. I laughed and held a celery stick out in front of her. she went to grab it but I put it in my lips holding it like a cigarette between my teeth.

She sat up and stole it out of my mouth eating it herself. Raya fake gagged and I laughed as she ate it,

"Don't tempt her, she's got those evil eyes" she quoted ghosttown when she finished and I giggled again.

"So how's it going in benville" Raya said.

"Well he glances at me once in a while and chooses me first for his soccer team. So I'm moving up" she said and lobbed in my lap so her legs dangled on one side and her arms were around my neck as her face was buried in my chest.

I knew she was tired. she had her two little brothers keeping her up till 3:00 and then she has to get up at 6:30. it was Friday which meant her brothers went to their dads and she came to my house tonight so she can sleep peacefully and hang with me. my parents know I'm gay and are really accepting.

Wanna know why? Because I have two dads! Their names are (a/n if you followed me before you will love this story for this reason: the parents) jaxton and alex.

Apparently they were besties with another couple that were actually incest which are my two uncles bug they live in British Columbia do we only see eachother every once in a while.

I soon heard emery sleeping and smiled before the bell wrang.

I woke her up, she hissed and growled before heading to sociology with Raya and I went to art.


I brought emery to my house. As soon as we entered I knew my parents were out. was quiet 2. There was money for take out.

I looked closer at the note trying to read dads writing.

"Hey, emery. my parents won't be back till tomorrow morning." I said and brought the half asleep girl to my room. the second he'd head hit the onyx covers she was asleep. I tucked her in before going to the basement and watching some beevus and butthead.

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