colbys pov

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I ran. Just ran from what I had done. That's the thing about me, I run. I run from my problems, I run from my fears. It's as if the reason behind my entire existence is to run.

I ran from the lockers, from the hallway, from the corridor, from the school, the parking lot, the street, the cross walk, from downtown to the suburbs. All the way to the woods.

I don't know why I came here, or why I'm not leaving, I don't even know why I'm walking further through the trees.

Sticks and grass mixed with pinecones and pine needles aligned the forest floor. Patches of dirt were filled with clover clusters and morning glory vines weaved around the thick branches of wild hedges. Sturdy pine and evergreen trees filled the spaces between with branches that reached for eachother as if out stretched hands if forbidden lovers. The tops of trees touched the skies with the sun beams slithering thriughv the entwined branch canopy. I could hear a small stream to my right a few hundred feet away, the mockingbirds and red-winged black birds singing from above in every direction. A deer was walking somewhere to my left, its hooves snapping branches and kicking needles.

I walked further into the woods the sounds and sights were absolutely marveling. I was in an almost trance, enticed by this environment in such ways. I thought no one could ever be truly happy and at peace, until I felt it myself in this place.

As if my problems had never been, as if my dad didn't exist and I wasn't beating my only happiness. I felt content, safe, happy. And these feelings I have now, the appear  in the woods of all places and it felt as if the warped light that shone here, made up for all the darkness in my life.

I looked around at my surroundings once more. Just taking in the sights and sounds around me, I smiled at the scent of pine and moss. I saw a few damsleflies soaring around, the stream was closer now, I strolled closer robot and sat at the edge.

The stream water was clear, it was tinted green from the reflection of the algae that cloaked the disheveled, pale gray rocks that made up water bed. A few minors swam through the quick current towards the ten inch waterfall about nine yards away.

A frog sat on a think brown tree root that grew from the streams bank and dipped into the water the frog stood out against the deep brown root, the frog was a light green with barker green bumps on its back, it's yellow eyes watched the damsleflies. I was startled as it's bright pink tongue snapped and stuck to a passing damslefly, the tongue retracted into the frogs mouth a few of the bugs legs hang out of the frogs mouth before being gulped down whole.

The damsleflies had been startled as well, they flew away in all directions from the spot where their friend's murder had been committed.

The frog pounced into the water. the minoes, being startled, swam quickly away darting towards the waterfall edge. I watched the frog dive deeper an then huddle under a rock edge, the algae and frog almost the same colour.

Soon the sun set, I didn't know how long id been here, or how long I was gonna stay. The one thing I did know, was that I'm not leaving this forest. Not yet.  Who would? The feelings that invaded me while sitting in this forest, they were glorious.

I've only ever felt pain, sadness, and regret. I barely knew the feeling of happiness, or even the feeling of being content. But in this forest, this..paradise, wonderland, heaven! I felt content, oddly I felt safe. I've never felt safe in my life, ever, some how within these trees I feel as if nothing can hurt me, as if not even a war could hurt me. Point a gun ti my head here, I'd laugh at you, I'd say 'im not scared' and mean it. I've always been scared, of my father, school, life, all of it, but here; in these woods, I felt as if I were invincible.


The moon was high by the time I left the forest. I wandered through the streets under the cool moon beams on the way to my house, not home, just a house. There was nothing homey about it.

The rickety white house that was my cage. As the building neared the fear that had subsided returned with a thunderous rage. My knees began to give out and my palms grew sweaty. It felt as if the cool moon light had turned to desert heat with how much I was sweating. I rounded onto my stone walkway that was surrounded by the uncared for lawn and weeds had decided to make the stone cracks their nesting spot. The fence and side of house were covered by creeping vines and chipping paint.

I walked off the path and to the ladder that the vines had thought were part of the house and wrapped themselves around it. I climbed the rusty ladder that rested next to my bedroom window and climbed into my room. I landed to the floor with a soft thud and I froze.

My heart beat loud and my breathing caught in my throat as I listened for a sound. Nothing. I let out a breath silently and got up going to my bed, I thought of the forest as I soon fell asleep, but my last thought was of Andy.

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