Random Writing PT 1

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(This is one of the works I wrote based off of quotes that I saw on TikTok. There is no particular person that this is based off of, this is simply me writing about acceptance itself. Enjoy.)

It was only a second. A singular second of eye contact from across the street. Dozens of people were walking by and cars were passing at a moderate speed. The sky was tinted grey and clouds were tightly packed together as small drops of water fell from them periodically, not much different from when a person first begins to shed their tears.

The mournful air charged with multiple different kinds of energy around them was nothing new, yet there was a slight pull to turn to their right. And so they did. There, they spotted familiar eyes looking back, the hair surrounding them swaying lightly as if that person also turned briefly.

The contact, although brief, was quickly charged with the lost traces of a well known energy that the two extinguished many years ago. Back when they last spoke, back when they said their farewells as they went down their separate paths in life that would never cross again. It was for the best, evident by the happiness that welcomed them whenever they arrived back home, a feeling that they knew they would never accomplish if they were to have stuck by the other's side.

It was as if time slowed when the two colours met. It didn't stop, only slowed. As if there was something out there that wanted them to exchange something. Something that they never fulfilled all those years ago. A hole in their conscience that needed to be filled.

And so, with no movement or words, solely their eyes alone, they communicated. They showed what they had never said back then.

And just like that, the connection was laid to rest as the two pairs shut the back cover of a novel long over. Heads were turned forward and legs moved onward, never stopping to look back as there was no need. There was no hole anymore. No doubt lying in their matured minds.

There was closure. And that was all they needed. No words or expressions with the muscles of their faces, just the show in their orbs that clarified what was unknown to the other. There weren't fireworks, and there wasn't a reignition of emotions. There wasn't an overwhelming feeling of joy or sadness. Only acceptance. Only closure.

I loved you.

And that was all they needed as an unspoken farewell floated through the wind around them, slowly dissipating into nothing as the last match was blown out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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