The forty-ninth chapter

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(Holy shit you guys! I've done a lot of things lately but I am so happy about how close we are to three-thousand fucking reads! Ahhhh! This is a good thing that has happened but there is also something sad that has happened too... The pencil nibs that I ordered hasn't gotten here yet and I can't make any art TwT)


Y/N pov.

While we are walking it feels really weird. Like we have walked here before... Then I realize... We walked the opposite way to what we walked towards...

I feel slightly embarrassed about the fact that we went the wrong way. Dusty didn't seem to blame us or make us feel like we did anything wrong though so that is nice. 

"Come back here you emptyheaded skull!" Adam's voice rang through the woods making me feel a slight shock run through my spine... What is going on in there?

The pizzeria worker seemed to turn their body towards us and looked like he just didn't want to deal with this shit. He popped his mouth and looked over to the side. 

"You can deal with this on your own, yeah?" He asked his voice shaking slightly but also looking a bit frustrated. He didn't seem to like this too much...

"Yeah, of course! Don't worry we can probably handle this!" Garcello told him hastily and then he speeds out of the small area we are in not really waiting for me to follow along. I just nod towards Dusty who nods back and leaves behind the trees the shadows casting over his figure making it look like he just turned to dust...

I realize the situation we are in and I start to run towards where the scream came from. When running I can feel the branches of many trees cut my face but it isn't that bad to me. 

"Adam!" I can hear Garcello scream slightly but not that high making me know that I am close to where I want to be... When I get to a place that seems to be open without any trees in the way I stop abruptly looking around...

Holy shit... 

(New character is going in here! The visit from Dusty is up! I think you guys know what is about to happen from the comment Adam made... :])

The place was slightly burned in some places and I can hear Garcello call out my name from behind but it was hard to focus on him... Danny was on the ground coughing while Chris was laying behind him like he was protecting him from something... They are both covered in bruises and ashes from what I assume is some sort of explosion...

"Y/N! Can you hear me! We need to get them somewhere!" It's all happening again... I can't... I don't want to be here... Not this...

"Y/N!" I can hear Garcello's muffled voice call out to me again but I can barely hear it...

"Y/N?..." I finally realize what Garcello is trying to do and I take a deep breath... If I couldn't save them in the fire before... Then let me save these people now...

"Sorry..." I whisper slightly knowing that my face is wet and sweaty from having a small panic reaction. But I shake it off and walk towards the two blue-haired men in front of me. 

"Are you doing alright Danny?" I ask him, helping him up leaving Chris on the ground since he seemed to be resting from being hit somewhere. He was still breathing so it wouldn't be bad leaving him there for a while making sure Danny was fine first.

"Yeah... But he took my girlfriend..." He was breathing heavily and coughing making it hard for him to talk properly. I look around and then I realize that both his girlfriend and Alex are gone!

"Garcello! Alex and Danny's girlfriend is gone!" I yell towards Garcello feeling like this won't turn out well...

"Adam told me that some skull-headed asshole took them both!" Garcello yells back turning his head slightly but then looked towards Adam again talking with him.

"He has been trying to hurt both me and my girlfriend before... His name is Tabi..." He tells me holding onto his arm that seemed to have a small cut. My face was stinging from the branches that hit my face before and I put my hand over my face.

It was bloody... I thought that it was sweat...

"What happened to your face anyway?" Danny asks me then I realize what is going on... Is he speaking to me!? Wait... What?!

Am I going crazy... 

"Y/N, are you alright? You look a bit scared..." Garcello comes up from behind with Adam over his shoulders. He was holding on to Adam's arm over his neck making him carry Adam pretty well. 

"Yeah... I just didn't know that the branches would cut my face up that badly..." I tell him not really feeling like telling him about Danny speaking. Why would he believe me?...

"We should go to the cabin... It's starting to become nighttime." Adam tells us wiping some blood from his face that was falling from his head with his arm. The blood got on his arm but it didn't stick that well so there was still a lot of it left on his face...

"What way should we go?" Garcello asks Adam. Adam just responds by nodding forwards.

"It's that way... Just continue forward... Then call Colin... We... I... I need him to fix me-" He seems to cut off in the middle of his sentence and his eyes flicker from his blue eyes to a pair of fully blanc ones and then from those eyes to fully dark eyes...

Then the color on his skin went off and he turned into a metallic man. Garcello gasps slightly when he sees this and shakes his robotic body almost like he wanted to wake Adam up...

"Adam! Adam?! Come on man... I think his 'energy' ran out somehow..." He seemed to have a harder time holding him up over his shoulders now that he was completely off. Garcello groans out of frustration and almost drops Adam on the ground looking exhausted...

I pick him up from the ground and put his legs under my arms letting his head rest over my shoulder and his body lean on me. I then look over to Chris who is laying down with his elbow on the ground and his hand on his face looking really down. 

"Dad! Are you alright?!" Danny ran towards his demon father to then hold his hand on his shoulder. Chris chuckles slightly looking at his son with the kind of eyes that only a loving father would have... He wasn't dying right?...

"I'm doing fine, I'm just happy you are alright..." He starts standing up...

Oh... He is fine... I really have some huge issues...


(yeye, haw... Something, something... Yada, yada... I don't know what more to put here, lmao)

---(Until The Next Chapter!)---

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