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Hades pov
I walk down stairs to see my fellow family sitting eating. "Morning." I say. "Morning Birthday boy, where's your sister?" Asks Tony. "Sleeping." I say. I yawn. "I may follow her into sleep." I say. Tony smiles and hands me a letter. "Ah, the school." I say. Tony nods. 

" Dear Mr. Grindlewald, 

I am pleased to inform you that you have been excepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Term beings on the 1st of September. All uniform and equipment are found at Diagon alley. I must remind you that 1st years are not allowed their own broom! Please send a letter to me to state that you are attending. 

Thank You,

Professor McGonagall

Head of Gryffindor House and Deputy Head." I say. Tony then says, "When we do go, we need to go to Gringotts." I nod. Thats when everyone was silent. "Morin." Says Loki. I quckilyturn around to see Bella. She glares at him, "Dont. Fucking. Talk. To Me.!" She says. Dam she scary. She then walks past me, the engery vibing of her was cold. I think I ethier shit my self or pissed my self. She then sees her letter. "For. fucks. sake." She says. "We need to go and get supplies." She says. I then hit my head, knew i forgot something. Loki laughs. 


Me and Bella are currently eating Ice-cream in London, yes, we just landed. "Can we go and get supplies?" Asks Bella. "Sure, but do call me." Says Tony. All of the other had fell asleep. I smile. Me and bella begin to walk to the area of the shops. "Bella?" I hear someone say. Bella turns and sees Hermonie. She runs and hugs her. "Hello again." Says Bella. Hermonie smiles. "How was your move to London?" I ask. "Fine, Tho i still miss New York." She responds. I smile. Bella then says, "You going?" Hermonie nods. "I do have a girlfriend!" Monie adds. Bella smiles. "Who?" She asks. "Pansy Parkingson." She says. "OOOOO." I say.  Hermonie then laughs. "I missed you both." She says. "Lets get our school items then!" Says Bella. 

skip- this is how the squad met Ron, Blaise and Draco-

Ron n Blaise

I was walk ahead of the other and saw a red haird boy. He looks farmiluar. "Ron?" I ask. He looks up. "Hades?" He says. "How have you been?" I ask. "Good. U?" He asks. "Yeah." I say. "Monie has a girlfriend called Pansy." I add on. "I have a boyfriend." Ron says. "Name?" I ask. "Blaise Zanzibin." He says. "Come with me, Monie, Bella and Pansy to get school supplies." I say. "Sure let me just go get Blaise." Says Ron. 


Me and the squad walked into the school uniform convention. I'm going to get trousers, shorts and skirts. While I was getting everything in my size, i see a blond boy on his own. I walk up to him. "Hi, Im Hades Grindlewald my friends are Ron Weasley, Blasie Zanzibin, Hermonie Granger and Pansy Parkingson. My twin is Bella Riddle." I say. "My name is Draco Malfoy." He says. I smile, "Love name, do you want to join the squad?" I ask. He nods, "Sure but whats the name?" He says. "Good and Evil also known as GE pronouced as J." I say. He nods. 

NOTE: There will be a chapter dedicated to the uniforms and items. 

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