~Chapter 3~

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"And finally this is the science department, on the top floor is Physics, middle floor is Chemistry and this floor is Biology" I gesture to each floor as I say it. The bell goes for end of period. Alyssa and her gang walk of their Biology class gossiping and giggling. Alyssa (Your bully) glances over and maybe or maybe she didn't see you. I quickly turn around and hope she didn't realise it was me.

"C-Come on guys, we need to get moving!" I usher Michael, Chris and Liz out of the door. A hand holds me back. Alyssa.

"Not so fast Y/N" She grins.

"H-Hello Alyssa" I say through gritted teeth, I can feel the gaze of Michael, Chris and Liz on me and Alyssa wondering what was happening.

"Oh! I hope you don't mind Y/N, but I heard a rumour, are you actually asthmatic??" She sneers. No point in denying it.

"Yes, Why?" I ask. She laughs and pulls out a deodorant from her pocket and sprays it at me 

"Oops so sorry!" She and her gang snicker then saunter off. I quickly take a breath in. Bad idea. I start coughing violently. I feel my throat constrict as I gasp for air. My lungs start to throb painfully. Liz puts her hand on my shoulder 

"Y/N, Are you ok?!" she asks worried, I gasp for air and my lungs hurt more, I cough more violently. 

"M-My in-inha-haler, B-bag" I manage to get out. My knees give way because of my asthma attack, I don't know who but some one goes into my bag to find my inhaler whilst Michael holds me up to stop me from collapsing. Liz puts the inhaler in my mouth and gives me two pumps, I feel as the Liquid loosens my throat and my lungs throb less. I feel someone rubbing my back. I give myself a moment and take deep breaths then hold out my hand for the inhaler, its placed into my hand. I take two more pumps and take more deep breaths. A few minutes later of breathing deeply I manage to stand up and smile at them, they return my smile with worried glances.

"T-Thanks" I croak out. Liz's face goes from worry to fury, she looked as though she were going to murder someone.

"Who sprayed deodorant in your face what was her name?!?!" she shouts. I shake my head.

"N-No one to worry about" I croak

"Are you ok now? Can I let go of you?" Michael asks, I look at him embarrassed.

"Yes I-I'm fine now" I croak " Thanks by the way" I say with a raspy voice. Michael lets go of me and I close my as the building spins around me.

"Y/N?" Chris asks. I open my eyes and blink a couple of times.

"I'm fine, now lets go and get you guys' timetables" I say and start quickly start walking out of the door. Chris jogs up to me and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N you've just had an asthma attack give yourself a minute" He looks at me, worry in his perfect green eyes. I shake my head.

"N-No, we need to get your timetables and I need to tell you and show you how to pay for your lunch" I croak, starting to push past Chris. He stands in front of me, Liz stands next to him, Michael beside me.

"No Y/N, give yourself a minute" He was pleading now, this made me blush a little. He looks at me as if asking me permission, I just look at him.

"Ok?" He asks. I nod. He leads me over to a chair and sits me down.

~time skip to five minutes later~

Michael and Chris are leaning on the wall opposite whispering to each other, Liz is sat next to me talking 

"And the movie was called... Uhm I forgot. Oh yeah! it was called 'stranger things'" I look at her

"Oh yeah? I've heard of that one, its good" I smile.

"isn't it! Its amazing!!" she giddies. I look over to my crush and his brother

"Are you guys ready?" I ask. They look at me. Chris gives me a smile.

"yep" he says

"c'mon then" I usher them out of the door and to the principles office. I knock. He calls us in, we file in

"Oh! Y/N, great, that was slightly longer than I expected but anyways I have our new students timetables for you to give them" The principle says. He hands me three sheets of paper.

"Thanks, Sir" I say and take the sheets off of him. He returns to the paperwork he was doing before and me, Liz, Chris and Michael file out of his office.

Outside the principles office I hand out the timetables.

"So what does everyone have?" I ask

"Hmm, Spanish in LG6" Michael says

"That in the languages department" I tell him. Liz moans.

"what have you got Liz??" I ask

"Ugh booorrring maths" She moans.

"Hey maths isn't that bad. I like maths. Sort of" We giggle. I turn to chris.

"What do you have?"

"Hmmmm...English in EN3" He mutters. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG he's with me!

"Oh thats what I've got too, I guess were in the same class" I laugh. Chris smiles. Liz looks at me, then Chris, Then back at me with the look that says 'I NEED THE BOY DRAMA GOING ON HERE' I roll my eyes

"see you guys at lunch" I call over my shoulder. Chris gives them a quick wave then jogs to my side. We walk in silence for a bit. Chris breaks the silence.

"Are you bullied?" He asks, worry in his voice. I give a short, sad laugh

"Oh don't worry about me, I'm fine" I say. He shouldn't worry about me. I'm fine on my own, Not like I've had friends in the past that were concerned for me. I never have...

Chris looks at me "Its quite obvious that you do" he murmurs. I pause.

"I'm not like everyone else" I say and I don't say any more. Chris senses that I don't want to talk about it and doesn't probe me any further.

"what our teacher like?" He asks

"she's ok" I reply as I open the door to our classroom.

•your dead emerald eyes●《Chris Afton x reader fanfic》 ¤▪︎female▪︎¤Where stories live. Discover now