~Chapter 5~

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Elizabeth had invited me over to her house, I was stood in the middle of my tiny room wearing nothing but a bra and underwear. Ugh I dint know what to wear! I scan my floor that was littered with clothes that I had put on and taken off and put on again, Outfit after outfit. Then I saw it, my black lacey belly top and my Black ripped jeans with a fluffy white bolero, I grab them and put them on... Perfect! I carefully do my makeup, Natural, bit of mascara, eyebrows and a tiny bit of blusher. I check my phone, I had an hour to kill. Hmmmm... I wonder, will Chris be there??WHAT! Why am I thinking of him?!

My phone buzzes, Its Liz.

*Change of plan, Can you come over RN for a sleepover???😜xx*   🗨 ✔✔17:46

she asks. I quickly text her back saying that I could. Then I grab a small bag from my closet and put my red sleep shorts in and grab a baggy black top. I run down the stairs and raid the cupboard for candy and stuff that in my bag too. My baby half sister, Stacey, starts crying. Shit. Mum will have to look after her. I run towards the front door pausing and shouting to mother that I was going out for the night and that Stacey's food was in the fridge. Then I dash out of the door locking it behind me. There was a sleek white BMW waiting outside. A woman with even more ginger hair than Liz jumps out.

"Oh my! aren't you a beauty!" she compliments me, then suffocates me with a massive hug.

"You must be... Clara? Lizzy's mum?" I ask.

"Oh! sorry how rude of me! Yes I'm Clara, I'm so glad to finally meet you" Clara shakes my hand. She opens the passenger door to the car and motions for me to get in.

"I'm your chauffeur for today" Clara jokes. I climb into the car making sure i didn't dirty anything whilst getting in. Clara turns to me

"entonces, que haces en tu tiempo libre?" She says. I stare at her blankly.

"Pardon?" I question. Was that Spanish? No maybe French?

"so, what do you do in your spare time?" Clara looks amused.

"Oh! well I love (your hobbies)" I tell her.

"nice seems like your never bored, I'm surprised you didn't understand my Spanish, I'm told your a good student" Clara laughs, I laugh along too.

"lo entiendo, simplemente me tomaron con la guardia baja" I giggle ( I do, You just caught me off guard)

"¡Dios mío, nos gusta hablar español en nuestra casa!" she grins. (Oh goody, we like speaking Spanish in our house!)

~Time skip to when you get to the Afton's house~(BTW you don't know there the Afton's:>)

Liz is sat on the front step of the porch, Their house was massive! They must be loaded. I practically throw myself out of the car and me and Liz run at each other and knock each other to the ground in a massive hug. We must have looked like two best friends that hadn't seen each other in years. Clara stands above us. 

"Elizabeth, show your guest around the house" Clara grins.

"Of course mummy!" The way Liz said mummy made me feel as though she were young again, and that they obviously were very close. I had never called my mum 'mummy.' Liz picks me up off of the ground and drags me in to her house. She gives me a very quick tour, then drags me into her room. I flop down on her fluffy white duvet.

"OMG its so fluffy!" I squeak. Liz giggles.

"So what should we do??" She asks. I think about it.

"Hmmm how about truth or dare?" I suggest, she squeals 

"YES! maybe ill find out your crush!" She shouts. I sigh. There's a knock at the door, Chris pokes his head round and waves at me.

"Mum wants to know what you want to drink?" Chris asks

"Get us some shots Chris!" Liz giddies. No. No. No. No. Not alcohol!!

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