Chapter 1

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This story will be in Harry's point of view. If it says someone else at the top its in their point of view.

"Harry I'm in love with you. Eleanor doesn't mean anything to me....not anymore. Harry say something.... Harry, HARRY!'

I feel someone pushing me back and forth. I groan and yell,"Leave me alone!" I realize I dreamt that moment. The perfect moment when Louis loved more than a best friend. Too bad he's with Eleanor. Who by the way is a girl version of me. Think about it, she has brown curly hair, she's good looking and has nice legs like me. The only thing is she's annoying and needy. She is always calling Louis when him and I are together. Of course he chooses her over me, his best friend.

"Harry wake up! We have an interview with PopSugar."

I open one eye. And I can see the sparkling blue eyes before me. I can see him smile as I open both eyes.

"Good Morning Hazza. Get up love we have an interview in 30 minutes."

I shivered as I felt him touch my face. I finally got up and went to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and hopped in the shower. I let the hot water run down my body as I thought about Louis. I thought about telling him how I feel. I shuddered at the thought. The thought of Louis never looking at me again. I can picture him just walking away and saying how disgusting I am for being gay and loving him. I turn off the water and wrap a towel around my naked body. I see clothes on my bed. I guess Louis already picked out my clothes. I put them on and ran downstairs. And the sight is too much to bare.

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