Light's dark story

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Donald: -So what kind of training will we do?
The woman: -I will teach you to use something called 'hamon'.
Donald: -What's that? I've never heard of such a thing! How should that thing help me?
The woman: -You already took all my energy. I don't want to bother teaching you hamon now.
Donald: -Don't you know some karate or kung fu?
The woman: -Yes, I will teach you Kung fu now.
Donald: -Cool.

Donald works hard and often wants to give up, but he remembers all the beautiful moments he spent with Ed. He thinks, 'I'm fighting for you, Ed! I will save you! Then we will get married! '
After a long training, full of moments of pain, but also hope, goes to his trainer.
Donald: -Sensei, I'm done training. I am ready to save the love of my life.
The woman: -You're not ready, you won't be able to face the night owl like that.
Donald: -I will succeed! My love for Ed Sheeren will win!
Trump wants to leave, but the coach stop him by knocking him to the ground.
Donald: -What are you doing !? I have to save him! I have to go! I'm ready!
The woman: - Ready? Hahaha, don't make me laugh, you're not even close. If you go now, you won't be able to save Ed Sheeren, and you'll die in vain.
Donald: - What are you talking about ?!
The mysterious woman: - Let me tell you something ...
A long time ago, a happy couple lived. A young man and a young lady. The two were in deep love, so they decided to have a child. Unfortunately, the girl became ill during pregnancy. But the young man found a cure in a flower. He made tea from the flower and as soon as the young woman drank it she recovered. When the baby was born, he was took by an owl. When the young man found out, he immediately went to save his son. But he wasn't prepared enough so he died trying ...
The young woman's heart became dark and the sadness gripped it, and she lost her youth drinking herself half blind. But one day, she found out that she could save his son. So the women looked for different training methods, until she came up with two methods that could defeat the evil owls: hamon and Kung fu!
The truth is, dear student, I AM THAT YOUNG WOMAN FROM THE STORY! The love of my life was not prepared so he lost his life trying! But now I am ready to face those who killed my husband! I will finally see my baby again!
Donald: -WHAT!?! YOU WERE THAT GIRL!??!! And how do you still look young after all these years ?!
The woman: -The hamon kept me young.
Donald: -Very ... Umm, if you kept telling me your story, can you tell me your name too?
The woman: -My name is Drite, my husband's name was Natyra, and my child's name is Luledielli.
Donald: ...
Drite: -I know, we have weird names, that's because there are words in Albanian. My name means 'light', my husband's name means 'nature', and our child's name 'sunflower'.
Donald: -Wow, that's pretty cool, I don't even know if my name has any meaning.
Drite: -Who can know ... Now let's stop talking and let's training again.
Finally, after 5 months, Donald was ready.

To be continued 👌🙆🌟
(What a title... 😞🤚)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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