Chapter 7

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Zhi Gang’s POV:

It has been a couple of days now without being able to sleep; the bed is cold even with him lying next to me and he has been coming home on time but we are like two strangers living under the same roof.

It is very stupid and childish for him to act this way and yet he wants to start a family. He might think that I am doing this for my own benefit but I am not, I am helping him too. He is definitely not ready to start a family.
Imagine if we fought about something small in the future and he chose to sulk and not speak to me while we have a baby under our roof, I would then have two children I would have to worry about…Plus my business on top of that.

We are both not ready; he knows that but doesn’t want to admit it. I just hope he won’t be this way forever, I can’t handle another stress on top of the stress I already have. Mr. Hsiao is my last and only potential investor for the New York branch and I can’t afford to lose his investment.

I have always wanted to expand my business internationally and I had this crazy idea before I got married; to open up my first international restaurant in the concrete jungle, ah… New York. I always got fascinated by the manner in which the apple city is like; it is indeed a sleepless city and most tourists want to go there and I did my research beforehand, there is an open market for Asian restaurants and if I had to open one now, it will bring in good profits even in the future.

I drew up a plan and a proposal before going on honeymoon and I asked Bo Xiang to accompany me
there to view the city and rental places, obviously he couldn’t say ‘No’ because he also wanted to see Hsiao Hao Ting. He thought it was a good idea at first, the restaurant until I told him that I wanted to start working on it this year.

He came up with the baby topic which I wasn’t interested in and I still not am, well not now at least. He thought we would enjoy our lives while browsing for someone to be our surrogate or even start with the adoption process right after our honeymoon but I had plans of my own; owning at least one international branch of my restaurant is my dream, my goal.

He knows about it and he won’t stop me from doing so. He thought maybe I would do it two years after getting married but I know that now is the time to work hard and be focused on it; without any distractions or a baby crawling or even crying around the house.

He will eventually come around, he has to. He is my husband after all, for better or for worse until death do us part. It has been a week since we had our first argument as husband and husband, I still can’t believe that it took us this long and it was all because Wen Jie told him off, I should probably thank him.

But something else is bothering me, apart from him not talking to me and the pressure from the New York restaurant… I need to know who keeps on making him lunch; each and every day he comes home with either half eaten food or not eaten at all. It is always the same lunch box bag and inside is the same lunch box container.

But maybe I shouldn’t think about it too much, he wouldn’t cheat on me or flirt with anybody else whether we are fighting or not. I need to put this focus on my meeting for tomorrow; I will deal with this issue next time, one issue at a time Zhi Gang, One issue at a time.

Bo Xiang knew about my meeting with Mr. Hsiao and he prepared my laptop bag and clothes before leaving, he even changed my alarm clock from the original time I had set to fifteen minutes before. How did he know you ask? I didn’t tell him, he probably saw my reminder notes on the calendar behind our door.

I know that he cares but he is stubborn like that, anyways I didn’t think much about his good gesture that morning. I smiled it off and prepared for my meeting, it was the second time meeting Mr. Hsiao, this time it was to give him the financial reports of all my restaurants as well as the predicted financial calculated report of the New York branch.
I took my laptop bag and checked for all the relevant documents I were to need

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