Girl Meets Conversations

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Girl Meets Conversations

"Do you remember, we were sittin', there by the water?

You put your arm around me for the first time"

"Phew", Shawn Hunter said as he shut the door behind their guests. Dinner had been great and the Matthews, Farkle and Jon had stayed late into the night while everyone caught up with each other. Things had been a bit tense and slightly awkward at first, but thanks to Topanga and Katy just starting conversation topic after conversation topic, making sure to find things everyone could be included it, everyone gradually relaxed. Shawn had to admit, it had been a very nice evening, but the day had been exhausting, nonetheless.

"I'll say," his daughter Maya agreed as she let herself fall down on the couch in their living room. The girl had decided to stay the night at her parents' place. Her head was still spinning from all the events of the day. She had felt bad at first, leaving Riley all by herself since the day had not been easy for the brunette as well. But Riley's boyfriend Farkle had quickly offered to stay with Riley, assuring Maya that he would make sure she was okay. Josh had decided to go home with his brother and sister-in-law. Apparently, he had promised his nephew Auggie he'd stop by this weekend. Jon had been the last one to bid the Hunter family goodnight. He'd waited until the others were gone to make sure his son and family were doing okay, something all three Hunters were very grateful for.

Maya's mom Katy sat down beside her daughter and patted the space on her other side to invite her husband to join them. "Sit down, hun. You look exhausted."

"I am," Shawn admitted before starting to chuckle. "I have to say, this did not end up being the quiet night in with the family I had planned on for today."

"My head hurts," Maya agreed.

Katy laughed. "You don't say." She shook her head. "I know both of you had an exhausting week and you just wanted to relax today." The older blonde hesitated for a moment. "But ... it was a good evening ... wasn't it?"

Shawn and Maya shared a look. "Of course," they immediately agreed.

"Not at all what I had in mind when I thought about introducing my friends to you or meeting Riley's parents, but still good," Maya admitted.

"And it certainly wasn't the reunion I had thought Cory and I would have ..." Shawn paused. "Scratch that, I have no idea what I would have wanted it to be like, but I know I would never have imagined this." Shawn shook his head laughing. "Of all the roommates in the world, yours had to be Cory-with-Topanga's-hair."

Katy and Maya joined in. "Must have been fate," the older blonde mused.

"I wouldn't change it for the world," their daughter added.

"But I have to say, maybe this was the best way it could've happened," Shawn said slowly. "You know, unplanned. Quick and without panicking about it for days in advance."

"Like ripping off a band aid," Katy said.

"Hoping it doesn't bleed like hell once you do," Maya joked tentatively.

Her parents chuckled. "Which thankfully it really didn't," Shawn said. "It's not quite finished healing ... but we're on the right way."

"You'll get there," Katy assured. "You're on the right track."

"I hope so," Shawn said. "It just hit me today. I mean, I know it's been so long since we saw each other. But today it suddenly became very clear. Seeing Riley – God, she's just as old as you Maya. I can't even imagine how much Auggie must have grown up in the last years. I missed a lot of big moments with both of them ... but especially Josh, I was there when he was born, when he grew up, we used to be so close. And now he's all grown-up, a young adult. I missed so much with him too." Shawn buried his head in his hands. "God, I really messed up, didn't I."

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