Chapter Four

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I pull into the parking lot of the conference center. I climb out and lock the doors behind me. Wow, I think, pulling my sunglasses down to cover my eyes. Risa. Engaged. That I didn't see coming. Not this soon, at least. I'd always thought her and Kyle would last, ever since they started dating her junior year of high school. Don't get me wrong; I'm super excited for her. But she's only 21. Oh, well.

I had to park quite a ways away from the building, it's so busy. I begin the trek up to the doors.

When I'm about halfway there, I hear someone call my name from behind me. "Natalie!!!"

I turn around to see my friend Alyssa hurrying to catch up with me, her long blonde hair streaming behind her.

We have a few classes together, and we've become friends through the mutual hate of school. She has a ton of friends, and through her I've become somewhat popular. Who'd've thought.

"Hey, Liss," I say, smiling at her.

She slows to walk beside me. "You're here early, too!"

I look down at the diamond studded (I nearly had a heart attack) watch Ed got me a few weeks ago and snort. "It's 1:58, Alyssa." She's not exactly known for her punctuality. I quicken my steps, though. I don't like being late.

She laughs. "They never start these things on time anyway."

We reach the building. I grab the door handle and pull it open, walking inside. There are a bunch of people in here. Alyssa follows me. "So did you hear?" She asks as I stop in front of a map of the building, trying to see where to go next. "Oh, come on, it's this way," she says, tugging on my wrist.

She takes the lead and I follow her across the large entrance hall, squeezing our way through the crowd. "Did I hear what?" I say loudly over all the voices.

"They're only taking five interns this year."

"Fantastic," I mutter. My chances are even slimmer now.

She grins. "I'm not worried about it, though. Last year, they said I just barely didn't make it."


"Yeah. I'm sure you'll do great, too."



Three and a half hours later, I leave the conference center with Alyssa. She has a big grin plastered on her face, but I'm nervous. I didn't do near as well as I'd hoped. At the end, the woman in charge had told us that the results would be made known next week.

Another friend of mine, Sean, had been at the conference. He'd asked me if I wanted to go to dinner, and I'd politely told him that I already had plans, and I was kind of in a rush. He'd looked very disappointed, considering that almost everyone knew I was dating Ed Sheeran. He's the guy who doesn't ever know when to stop trying.

I say good-bye to Alyssa at my car. As I climb in, I notice a voicemail from Ed. It's asking me if I want to be picked up at the house for the dinner. I send him a text saying sure and that I was headed to the house now.

I get inside, change into something a tiny bit fancier, and touch up my makeup. As I'm putting on a final coat of mascara, there's a knock on the bathroom door. "Can I come in, Nat?" Ed asks.

"Yeah," I call back.

Ed opens the door and strolls in. He's in a red hoodie and jeans. I suddenly feel overdressed in my black skirt and turquoise shawl. "Um, Ed, should I change?" I ask him.

He walks over to me, places his hands on my hips, and presses his lips to mine. "I think you look fantastic," he says.

I grin and blush. "Thanks," I say. His hands start to wander, and I let them for a minute before kissing him one more time and pulling away. "Later," I grin, winking at him. "We're gonna be late to dinner."

"I'm thinking maybe we should... We should pass on the dinner," Ed says, eyeing my skirt.

I laugh and tug on his hand, pulling him out the bathroom door. "Stu'd kill you. Come on."

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