2. Here's my step ladder... I never knew my real ladder

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Kirishima PoV:

I woke up to my alarm playing a motivational song (use your imagination) to get me into the mood for the day.  I make sure Kamibro didn't do anything to my shower or soap, before taking a shower. I do the rest of my morning routine and then go over to my door.  Suddenly Bakugo bursts into my room. "Shitty hair are you almost ready, we're going to be late if you don't get your ass out here already." I stare at him and try not to laugh. 


"Bro did you look in the mirror today?" 

"No, why should I?" 

"Bro your still pink from last night when Kami pulled that prank on you" 


Bakugo PoV:

I was just informed that I'm still fucking pink from the dumbass pikachu. I rush pass the idiot in front of me and go to his bathroom. Sure enough my skin looks like fucking raccoon eye's. I don't know how I never noticed this morning, but now I'm off to go murder that bastard pikachu like I should have done last night. Hair for brains sees me stomping past him and out the door I go with him trying to convince me to just go to class. Like I'd be caught dead going to class looking like this. 

~|Time Skip|~

It's noon right now and hair for brains decided that since I wouldn't go to class looking like raccoon eyes he would skip school as well to 'keep me company'. So he has HIS music playing on MY radio in MY room, while I help him study. Yes, we have been studying ever since he called Mr. Aizawa saying we wouldn't be in class. 

"I'm bored Bakubro,"

"That's your own fault for skipping school"

"I know but all we have done today is study"

"well, would you have rather went to class?"

"No no, of course not!" 

I look over and see him rubbing the back of his neck staring at me. I can tell that he's a little panicked. I go back to grading his math answers.

"You know I don't care if you want to hangout with those shitty extras, Kirishima."

He looked at me with a puzzled look on his dumb face, and blushed.

"Bro! You know I like hanging out with you! Plus I would rather be here with you than in class."

"I thought I told you to stop calling me 'bro' "

"heh, sorry"

For a bit all we could hear was Kirishima's playlist of descent songs playing on my radio.

~|Time skip|~

"I'm still bored"

"I don't care"

In reality I'm bored as fuck, but I don't want to give into whatever Shit for brains wants to do.

"I wanna go to the park though" Hair for brains groaned.


Honestly, the park didn't sound like a bad idea to me.

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