Seventh day - part 8

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The transparent body float in the middle of the room. Annie showed herself to us, taking part of my energy for it. I felt her anger mixed with sadness swirl through me. Her eyeless head was facing Nick, and I knew that he had to do something with her death. Nick, Jeff and Off stood frozen from the shock, and I don't blame them. Annie was quite a sight to see. I tried to move away from my boyfriend's grip, but the sudden lack of energy made it harder for me. I had no choice but to speak to her before she does something unforgivable. 

"Annie," I whispered. 

"Whatever you are trying to do, please don't." I pleaded. My words didn't affect the spirit but at least made Jeff come out of the trance. 

"Annie?" Jeff's voice quiver. 

"Gun, what are you talking about?" He asked me confusedly, eyes glued to the floating figure.

"I am sorry, Jeff." I couldn't look the older ranger in the eyes. The guilt of not telling him I knew his love was dead was consuming me. 

"Are you trying to tell me that thing is my Annie?" He pointed at her with a trembling hand. Annie's head turned at an unnatural angle, spotting the other person in the room. I felt the wave of deep emotions pulsing through me, and I had to grab Off's hand for better support, making him come to his sense as well. 

"Fuck." Nick cussed. His sudden speech drew Annie's attention back at him. A gush of cold wind flew through the atelier again, making us all startled. She was angry, and this time, I couldn't do anything to stop her. Another part of energy left my body, forcing me to lean on Off more. My legs were getting weaker, my head lighter. 

"Gun." Off panicked as I started to have problems with breathing. 

"She is taking my strength to manifest." I managed to rasp out. 

"We need to stop her," I said, though I had no idea how. Annie was already an inch from Nick, stretching her white arms towards him. 

"Let my brother be!" Jeff shouted, stepping between the two as if he could stop the spirit from continuing, and somehow it worked. She must have remembered him. The wailing cry cut through the house before she disappeared. The lights flickered again but didn't turn on, nor did the temperature changed. So Annie was still here with us, lurking in the dark.

I looked around, trying to spot her, clinging to Off as my life depended on it. 

"Are you feeling better?" He asked with concern. I nodded, sending him a small smile. 

"Why was she aiming for you?" Jeff asked angrily, turning to face his brother.

"Can we get out of here first?" Off suggested, and I had to agree with him. Only God knows when Annie decides to manifest again and take all my remaining strength. 

"Sure." Jeff agreed. Stepping aside to untie Nick's legs. 

"Don't try anything funny." He warned his sibling, helping him stand up with his uninjured hand. Judging from Nick's expression, he wanted to get out of here as much as we did. His eyes roam through the room, scared that Annie's ghost will jump out. We slowly made our way to the door. I was sure she would not let us go that easily. I was right. The door slammed close right before our faces. Off immediately tried to open them, twisting the knob here and there, but to no avail. 

"Stop, Off." I breathe out weakly, feeling Annie taking the energy away from me once again. 

"It won't open," I added. Off looked back at me knowingly. 

"I know." He sighs as he leads me back, helping me sit on the chair. 

"How are you feeling." He asked me worriedly. 

"I am too tired." I had no strength to lie. 

"She's taking all my energy. I am scared." I added. 

"I won't let her take you away from me." Off caressed my pale cheek tenderly, and I wanted to believe him. 

"Hey, you! If you need to take someone's power, take mine! Let Gun go, goddammit!" Off shouted angrily. I attempted to grab his hand to stop him, but it was too late. The room went silent as the temperature dropped again. My eyes slowly closed, taking me back to the state of blankness. I knew what happened right away. Annie borrowed my body. 

"Gun!" I heard Off, and Jeff yelled my name from a distance. My consciousness was pushed aside, and I could only watch Annie's actions. She slowly opened my eyes, looking straight at Nick, standing up, ignoring others in the room. 

"You." I heard my voice echoed through the atelier, yet the tone was a way colder, creepier. The aura she was emitting through me filled the whole room, making Off, Jeff and Nick shudder in fear.  

She took a step forward. 

"Kill." She voiced out angrily, making another step. 

"Mad." Annie groaned, launching my body towards panicking Nick. 

"No!" Jeff and Off shouted together, covering the distance between us in a short time, trying to stop whatever the spirit was aiming for. I felt a sudden rush of power accumulating inside me and springing out through the open palms, sending Off and Jeff flying across a room. They were like two rag dolls falling on the ground with a loud thud. 

"Annie, stop this madness." I cried out, hoping for her to pay attention to me. 

"Annie, please. You are hurting the one you love." I argued. She stopped her action for a mere second, turning her head around, glancing at two motionless bodies sprawled on the floor. My heart squeezed painfully as I saw passed out Off. 

"You are hurting the one I love too." I sobbed. 

It seemed like the time froze. Annie's will started to lose its grip, letting me take what's originally belong to me. She must have understood my suffering. She glanced at Nick for the last time. Vivid pictures played in front of my eyes before she finally let go completely. I blinked a few times, sinking to my hands and knees weakly. I had to take several deep breaths to calm down. 

From a corner of my eye, I saw Nick slowly shuffling to the closed door. His gaze was on me, afraid I would stand up and hurt him. Lifting my head a bit, I could only helplessly watch how he twists the doorknob from side to side with his tied up hands. A loud click echoed through the silent atelier. The door opened with a screech, letting Nick disappear further to the house. I inched a little more forward to go after him, but I was too tired.  

I caught harsh banging on the wood somewhere in the cabin. I sigh in relief realizing, Annie locked the entrance with her remaining strength before she disappeared into the shadows. I used the energy that was still left in me to crawl up to Off, lying next to him, closing my eyes. 

I didn't care about Nick. We could deal with him later. After I tell Off and Jeff what Annie showed me before she left my body.

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