"I agree with it."

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***** Warning. There is a lot of violence and gore in this chapter. Viewer discretion is advised ***** 

Hope POV

After a while we all pulled apart. 

Olivia held me close and looked worried.

"Are you okay, Mom?"

I nodded and rubbed at my eyes.

"That was hard to go through again but I will be once we find Lizzie."

Olivia nodded.

"How did you know your Momma wasn't dead."

"It's a long story."

Olivia POV

Mom had watched the love of her life die before her. It was hard and nearly destroyed me to watch it but once Mom got up and left the room I approached Momma. With a hand on her heart I kneeled.

"I can't lose you, Momma."

I could now hear fighting going on downstairs but I wasn't focused on that. My only focus was on Momma in front of me. I put both hands over her heart and began a specific motion of trying to restart her heart. I wasn't sure if it would work but I had to try. I kept at a quick pace, until tears were spilling from my eyes and my hands hurt. 

Not giving up until a soft gasp escaped from Momma's lips. I smiled through tears as I bent down and listened closely. Her heart was beating slowly but her pulse was too weak. In no time at all Momma's breathing would stop again. I took out a neckless and put it around her neck and breathed into clasping it shut. I began muttering a few spells and then it was done.

As long as the neckless remained shut Momma would be kept in a near death state. Alive but not fully. I got up and kissed her forehead before leaving the room.

I would bring Momma back if it was the last thing I ever did.

"You know the rest. I came down and you stopped fighting. When you were knocked out by Josie, Momma was put in a coffin, ready for burial."

"Sorry about that by the way."

Josie looked really sorry but Mom smiled and grabbed her hand.

"No sorry needed. I knew I was a handful."

Mom looked to me and held my hand.

"Go on love."

I nodded and breathed in and out before continuing.

"I knew Momma couldn't be left in the ground so before the coffin was officially buried I switched them and kept the one with Momma, in a abandoned factory outside of town."

"You did what!"

Ignoring the shocked look on both Josie and Isabella's faces. 

Mom looked at me and the smile beamed on her face.

"I love you so much Olivia. You did good. Amazing even."

I was pulled in for another hug and I allowed myself to completely fall into it. Holding on to Mom was the most safest place in the world to me. Somewhere I knew I would be taken care off and nothing bad would ever happen to me.

Eventually we both pulled back.

"Now lets go get your Mother. I am getting quite impatient to see her again."

Hope POV

We walked out and all eyes were on us.

"So what's going on?" Klaus asked.

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