"What happened?"

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Lizzie POV

I woke up and was still in Josie's arms. We must have fallen asleep at some point and after looking outside I realised it was night time already. I at up and was still very groggy from sleeping and I tried to move Josie easily to the side so I didn't wake her. Josie was still fast asleep and only murmured a bit when I was done. 

I got up and walked over to the window and opened it. I needed some air after all that had happened. It was cold as it hit my face and I closed my eyes just letting it wash over me. It was like I was finally waking up as I breathed it in. I was hit with what Josie and I talked about earlier.

The pain in my chest was still there and it was a constant reminder that Hope wasn't with me and I had let that happen. I felt a rage that I couldn't describe when I thought about Stefanie. I just wanted to explain to Hope about what happened exactly but then I thought about what would happen if I found Hope in that situation and I would probably act the same way.

The rage that I would feel would surely overcome me. I have had situations in the past when I got heartbroken and it has impacted me greatly. It has affected me as a person and my future relationships. When I first kissed Hope it opened up a flurry of emotions that I thought were too distant for me. It hit me like a bus in the best possible way and I'm still finding new emotions everyday I am with her.

A smile came on my face as I thought about how I feel about Hope. 

The pain eased in my chest but it never fully disappeared. I wasn't sure if it would ever heal until I was back with Hope and in her arms again. That's when everything would feel right in the world again. 

I waited there for a bit before closing the window gently and grabbing one of my night gowns and heading out into the hall. It was quiet this time of night. I think it was about 4am so even the couple of parties would have died down by now. I sneaked through the halls and didn't run into any people but as I passed around a corridor a shape came at me and without thinking I punched it.

"Ow. Shit, what was that for?"

The shape came into the light and it was MG.

"Sorry MG. I thought you were a monster or something. What are you doing up so late?"

"I could ask you the same question. I was up getting a late night snack when I heard screaming. It was so loud I'm surprised no one else has woke up to check. I thought it was coming from outside and I was on my way to check. Want to come with me?"

I nodded and we began walking.

We were quiet for a moment but then MG looked at me again and started talking.

"This might not be the right time to bring this up but I know what happened with you and Hope. I know the last time we talked you said you were fine but I can't imagine what you are going through right now. You don't have to talk right now but just know that I'm here if you need me. I have your back no matter what."

I smiled and I felt a bit better than I had in the last few days. MG was one of the best people I knew and her never pushed if you didn't want to open up. He became a shoulder to lean on and I have been trying to learn how to be the same for him. I might have a long way to go but I'm getting there. 

"Thanks, MG. You are a really great friend. I swear I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for you in my life. I owe you a great deal."

MG smiled and we fell into a comfortable silence as we made it to the outside of the school. When we got just outside the front door nothing seemed off at first. The night was still and very quiet. You could hear the occasional owl hooting the distance and the rustling of the trees. There wasn't anything that seemed out of place. 

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