Leap through time

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Once upon a time, 

I got to leap through time,

It was like a blink of an eye.

I came back to where it start,

The decision of changing it all with my heart,

I set fire and re-written my tainted path.

Things were finally changing,

Different of how I suffered while hiding and crying,

But I never thought of what I was losing.

Finally it was a success with less pain,

However, why do I feel emptiness, again?

Like all I did was useless of gain?



Why do I feel like everything was nothing when, I tried myself so hard to meet a happy ending?

--- Oh, I see...

The hard part I went through wasn't just because I fought alone,

Those people who help and believe in me was the reason why I achieved a milestone,

But now, I walked the path alone regretting what I said and done.

Created/Posted: 7/12/2021

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