The awakening

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My vision started to come back, my head was killing me from the fall. What the hell happened to me? I woke up to see Attila and what looked like a first aider standing over me, with a towel under my head.

"How are you feeling, miss? I just want to check you don't have a serious injury or we'll have to admit you to hospital"   The first aider exclaimed.

" I'm feeling better... I just need a drink. I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me."   I said softly and quietly, feeling extremely embarrassed.

The first aider left after getting me a cup of water and then to my surprise, Mr. Fronzak asked for a few minutes alone with me. The rest of the band left to pack up the rest of their stuff from the venue.

"I'm sorry if I made you nervous, sweetie. I felt like the same was going to happen to me. I guess you beat me to it"   Fronz said giggling.

"What do you mean you thought it was going to happen to you too?" I said sitting up.

"I mean you're gorgeous. I've never laid my eyes on a woman as beautiful as you before." Fronz blushed.

Was this really happening? Did Chris Fronzak actually just call me beautiful? I must of hit my head pretty damn hard when I took that fall.

"This can not be real"   I laughed, taking a sip of my water.

"Is it wrong if I ask for the name of this lovely maiden?"   He questioned.

"Scarlett-Rose. But you can call me Rosie if you like, everyone else does"   I smiled, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Well then Rosie, I'd really love to get to know you more, fancy coming for a few drinks around town with me before me and the guys head off to London?"

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