<side story pt2>

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Ok- I'm kind like writing another side story, BUT it's gonna be like, Karl Sapnap and Quackitys first date-? :] but enjoy and i promise to go back to the normal story soon, I must feed the readers first.(i must be validation from wattpad grrr.) DRINK WATER AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELFS<3

Of course the three boys would be nervous on their first date as they just started dating like one month ago, who would be scared? When Sapnap and Karl went to pick up Quackity, they would expect Ponk, George or even Hannah to answer the door as that's what usually happens, but instead being one of those threes they got a introduction by a pissed off creeper that basically dragged them inside and was basically parenting them. "And you better bring Quackity back SAFE A- " "Sammy. I think they understand, you basically terrified the two boys. Let them have fun" Ponk came in trying to drag Sams attention away from Karl and Sapnap. "Papa, I'll be fine." Quackity mumbled before walking away with Karl and Sapnap.

As the three of them were far away from the house they were already nervous on what to do. "You uh, wanna hear this plan Puffys brother was helping me with?" Quackity asked as they sat down at a picnic table "Of course duckie!" Karl smiled while placing his head on Quackitys shoulder "So basically, it's uh it's a country and a casino! I'm planning to call it Las Nevadas! It's going to have tons of entertainment! And you two can join it, when we're older of course." Just listening to Quackity ramble over something he enjoyed just made Sapnap happy enough that he place his head down in front of Quackitys hands. "Why are you too such attention seekers?"

As the three of them started becoming more comfortable with each other they had fun on their date they decided to just spend the rest at Karl's home, probably watch a movie or watch a Mexican Soap opera by force. Right as the three of them came up to Karl's, Dream ran outside terrified while carrying Drista "PAPA PUFFYS BROTHER JUST BLEW UP THE GOD DAMN MICROWAVE WHILE TRYING TO MAKE TOAST!" He shouted while placing Drista down "What?" Karl mumbled while grabbing Sapnap by the sleeve and dragged him inside to help "Quack please stay out here! We will be right back!" With an hour and a half went by and Karl and Sapnap came outside "To Big Qs it is then." Sapnap smiled while trying to get Quackity on his back.

The three of them arrived back at Quackitys and they finally got to rest and watch whatever together. "Duckie look..." Karl pointed to Sapnap who was asleep "Welp, he's kidnapped here then." Quackity joking said as the two still awake kissed their boyfriend on the head.


Sapnap, Karl and George arrived to Las Nevada's, Quackity's creation. The three of them being nervous as hell started walking on in and past the huge sign, soon knowing they would be greeted by a slime and Quackity himself. Karl being impressed as ever started walking ahead not looking where he was going he bumped into a figure, "Oh Jesus, sorry..." Karl smiled awkwardly while staring at the person he doesn't know "Quackity!"

Sapnap smiled and walked towards the two of them "Who is this Sappy?" The two paused at what Karl said. "It's me Karl, Alex Quackity? Your fiancé?" Quackity smiled while placing his hands on Karl's shoulders still concerned "Nice meeting you Quackity but, I think me and Sapnap should head back to our nation." Karl smiled as he dragged Sapnap away. "Take these two.." Quackity smiled while throwing his two rings at Sapnap, and started to walk towards the casino. "I don't think I'll be needing them anymore. Come on Slime." Quackity smiled slightly as him and Slime walked away, leaving Karl Sapnap and George still at the entrance.

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