<Karl Jacobs and The Nutcracker>

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''Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, the joyous of laughter was all to be heard, even the mouse that lived in the walls squeaked to the jolliest noises.
The light snow fall outside, calming as always. The three boys of the single mother Puffy all came running down the stairs, one by one, eldest to youngest, Foolish than Dream and last but not least Karl followed behind. The family of rams and one human all gathered around the dining table, the finest turkey was brought out, along side the mashed potatoes and meatballs. A little while later all the food was all brought out.

The night went on, the spirit of Christmas was heavy, but it was time to open their gifts. Foolish with new clothing, as Dream got toy soldiers. But, young Karl Jacobs gift was rather confusing than ever, his uncle, Jschlatt, got him a rather odd gift. It wasn't a toy, nor a book, but rather a nutcracker. "What are you supposed to do with that thing!" Dream snarled as he ripped the thing out of his hands, "Hey! Give me that back Dream!" Karl snapped back as he grabbed the nutcrackers small figure torso, the loud sound of a snap was heard, everyone froze from their gift opening, Dream stood there, holding the bar that opens the mouth of the Nutcracker. "DREAM!" Karl shouted in tears as he ripped it out of his older brothers hands, "You broke it! How could you!" Karl whined as he ran out of the room.

The boy ran to another part of his uncles mansion, he sat in the big red chair that stayed in the library, dares to be moved one inch. Karl hugged the nutcracker, the wooden shiny armour shined from the dim lighting. He yawned slightly, unknowingly falling asleep.

Movement was heard in the quiet house, but it was not a mouse to say. Stiff steps were heard from this person, though to say the least his mother wouldn't walk so stiffly to get him nor would his brothers. But to say the least it was the nutcracker that walked, the wooden legs and torso, now human like ever. Karl woke up to the sounds of walking, it was very loud against the wooden like floor.
The boy sat still, in surprised and shock, it was an odd sighting to see it alive. The nutcracker stepped back, confused as well, was he supposed to not be alive? Or to be allowed there? "Excuse me kind sir" He began to speak, softly enough to not scare the boy, "Have you by chance have seen the rat king?" The nutcracker spoke gently once more, but got the shook of a head from the young boy, "What is your name exactly young sir?" The boy shifted in his seat, standing up and straightened his back, "Karl Jacobs.." the boy told, no lies to heard, "Ah, what a nice name Mr. Jacobs. Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Sapnap, but many just call me the Nutcracker." He smiled and bowed, taking his hat off.
Karl stood there, amazed by the sight. A real living Nutcracker right there in sight. But is it a dream? It couldn't possibly be!
Karl took a moment, or two, to process everything. The nutcracker thought along side his new friend, though their thoughts were quiet different. The nutcracker broke the silence by saying "Why not I show you around? There's a beautiful garden where we can waltz, or the bakery! There's also the ice castle you see, but that's full of the sugar plum fairy's!" Karl nodded to the other, grabbing his hand and walked along side him.


Hihi, Blueberri here, uh this is as far as I got and ran out of ideas ^^

Uh, if you'd like I can finish it another day :)
But I lost ideas, so I'll be making other books based on OCs, or dsmp mixed with BlueberriStarks lore.
Lol, anyways love you all 3000 <33

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