Simple Pleasures

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What is the meaning of life?

Have you ever stood in the middle of a cornfield?

Nothing but green and yellow for miles around.

The simplest things bring joy to your heart.

The summer air penetrates deep into your lungs,

Filling you with the sweet scents of produce and grass.

Lie down on the warm ground.

Feel the dry ground crumble beneath your fingers.

Feel the sun beat down on your body;

Filling you with a warmth that can not be compared.

It reminds you of a time that you can not remember

In the warm embrace of your mother's womb.

Safe and sound

Rise off the ground

Your back stiff from the earth.

The wind softly tussels with your hair.

Simple things in life

Make everyday worth living.

To live is to be alive

And to be alive is to have life.

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