Just Breathe

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Inhale as the blow hits your face,

The shock sets in as you hit the floor.

He moves closer and you cower

Pulling your knees into your chest.

Thinking of a happy place

Where pain does not exist.

The world goes black but in your mind you see

Colours, bright and vivid.

Running into the sunset all you feel is happiness.

Open your eyes.

White walls surround you like a cage.

Machines beep

People are whispering near you.

Jane Doe.

Unknown person, do you even know yourself?

No one knows who you are or where you came from.

Who are you really?

A partaker in self-mutilation

A Bulimic the no one knows how to help

A drug addict

A suicidal manic depressant

A victim of a cruel boyfriend.

Lost in a world of pain.

Who is this person?

A daughter

A sister

A straight A student

A friend

And an enemy to herself.

Two worlds,

Intertwined but never sharing the same space.

Each one waits patiently

For the other to self destruct.

As you close your eyes again

Focusing only on your intermittent breaths

You realize its time to change.

For better or for worse

You need to regain control.

Control will begin with each breath.

In and out

Slowly it will get better.

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