Part 3 | "Newbie"

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Brook's POV

I was waking out to see Lydia talking to some people

"Lydia I just talked to the clave and they said you will only be staying here for 2 days until they find someone to replace you" I said while smirking

"Well I didn't get informed" she said a little to confidently before she got a texted that said she will be leaving in 2 days she was pissed and just walked away I was still smirking

"That's one way to get rid of her" Alex said

"Well I don't think neither of us want to deal with that bitch" I said

"You have a point there Brook" Jayden said

"I always have a point Jay" I said before walking away
Clary's POV

"What happened with them?" I asked Izzy
We just over heard the conversation that Lydia and Brooklynn were having

"I don't know but the only thing that I know is that Lydia and Brooklynn hate and I mean hate each other" Izzy told me

"And I recommend you to not like her if you want to get on brooks good side" Alex said as he walked over to us "And either way you are going to find out she is a bitch" Alex continued

"She's really that bad?" I asked

"Well I mean she almost got us all killed in a mission" Alex explained

"What! How did she cause that?" I asked

"Well with her selfishness and her trying to make everything all about her you think that she won't do that on a mission well she did" Alex told us

"Brook has always hated her ever since she wanted to take her spot as the head of the Los Ang-" Alex said before being interrupted

"Alex you don't need to tell them everything and come on we have a group meeting" Jayden said interrupting Alex "And last time I checked your in the group"

"What about Lucas and Ava?" Alex asked

"There already waiting your late" Jayden said before they both left

"He looks so serious" I commented on jayden's face and attitude

"Last time I saw him he was like that so it doesn't surprise me and plus they didn't even talk to anyone other then each other" Izzy said
Brook's POV

We were in I believe Alexander's office or his parents I'm not really sure

"Okay so group meeting how are you guys feeling about the move to this institute" Jayden asked us

to be honest he was always like the mom of the group always looking out for us and getting us out of trouble if we ever were in

"I'm fine" Ava said and the others agreed with her I wasn't really paying attention until Jayden said "Brook are you even paying attention"

"Uh yeah I am" I said clearly not knowing what they were talking about

"Oh really then what did I just say?" He asked
Oh well shit I'm fucked

"Oh um" I started

"That's what I thought" he said trying to I guess make a point "what are you even thinking about?"

"Nothing... your just like the mom of the group" I tell him. I mean that's what he wanted to hear no?

"Is that supposed to be a compliment or something" jay asked

Then Alex Lucas and Ava were just laughing

"I don't know" I answer

"Anyway down to business Raph said their was a new vampire and we need to meet him"

"Then let's go" Alex said

"Wait we can't just leave" Jay said stoping all of us

"We sneak out" we all said at the same time

"10 pm sharp" I told them "out our windows to the Hotel Dumort"

"We'll see each other their" Lucas told us we nodded

"What about the institute?"

"Lydia is here she should do something around here if anything happens it's on her" I say with a smirk

"I'll spend the night with Ava and we'll leave together" I said

"Ok Brook let's go get your things and bring them to my room" Ava said pulling me out the door

10 pm

"Raph where's the newbie?" I ask him

"Right here" he said pointing to the new vampire

"Why was he turned?" Alex asked "He looks so..."

"Nerdy and boring" I finished off what Alex was going to say

"Camille turned him I don't know why" Raph told us

"Camille has the worst taste in turning people" Jay said making me nod in agreement

"What's him name?" Lucas asked

"I'm Simon" the new vamp told us

"Interesting... not a bad name but not the best" Ava told us

"You can go now" Raph told newbie and he just left
"So how's life going?"

He asked as we sit down

"Nice not bad" we all answered

"Everyone still thinks we're the perfect little team who follows all the rules" I said

"Well at least most of them" Lucas said

"How's the twins and jess?" Raph asked me

"Well the twins are still a pain in the ass but their doing fine and jess is finishing her study's in Idris then she will take control over the Italy Institute" I answered or more like explained

We continued to talk until it was 1 or 2 am because we need to get their before anyone woke up

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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