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"Did you hear what happened yesterday?"


"Oh the one with Huang Renjun, the one who's a year older than us--"

"OHMYGOD NO what did he do again this time?"

"Stop cutting me you idiot and just listen to me. Apparently he almost threw a fist at that red-hair boy yesterday. Nobody actually knew the reasons why--"

"-- but some says it was because of that one exchanged students from Busan whom I dont really know who.."

"Yayaya we should really stop gossiping, we're having a test later"

"Girls... so nosy"  Chenle said and tsked his way with Hayeon towards their class. Yes, after what had happened yesterday the news about Renjun spread like wildfire.

"I just dont know why he was acting like that Lele. He was never like that when he's around me.." Hayeon said lowly as she recalled her memories with the two toned hair boy when they met and spent times together

"Hayeon you barely know each other you cant just put words into it yet. You dont even know if he's some crazy obsessive psychopath-- dont tell me--"

Chenle stopped his walked and turned around at his bestfriend and tightened his gripped on her shoulder.

"-- do you perhaps like Renjun?"

The girl, was obviously taken aback from his words and shook her head aggressively with a loud "NO" but her bestfriend was not stupid when he saw her red cheeks and ears.

"N-no Chenle just no. Even if I did that's not your problem " the girl said and looked at the ceiling instead of his eyes that threw fire at her

" I dont mind who you're putting interest in Hayeon, but I want you to choose properly who you want to be with. I dont want you to get hurt again like how Mark had hurt you-- and someone like Renjun? A solid no!" The boy whispered-yelled the last part

The girl's eyebrows furrowed at his words, almost everyone around her were against the idea of her liking Renjun. She's just a human like all of them, she can't control who she wants to be and who she likes. It just came naturally without a warning

"What is it Lele? What is it that so bad about this Renjun? " she asked , tone slightly higher than she usually sounded like.


"Hayeon? Chenle? Hello " another chinese boy stepped into them and gave them his sweet smile, his eyes spoke otherwise. He was tired, he looked tired, he is indeed very tired.

Chenle and Hayeon gave a look at each others before the boy nodded his head and head into class earlier than Hayeon.

"Renjun? Is everything okay?" Hayeon asked the boy who then slumped his shoulder down.

"Im okay.. I uhhh I came to say Im sorry..." Renjun said as he awkwardly shifted around where he stood, hands kept on pulling his blazer.

"About what may I ask?" Hayeon asked slightly confused.

"About yesterday, about my behavior towards you and how you witnessed me being like that infront of you.." He said in all one go

"I uhh I dont know what to say, but it's alright I guess. It's not a big deal.." she said lowkey the butterfly in her stomach started to flew randomly but the butterfly soon died when the boy letted out a loud scream

"What's wrong?" Hayeon questioned in panicked. She was startled when she heard him screamed at the opposite direction of her.

"What's wrong? Huh what's wrong? I apologized to you and you said it's not a big deal? That it's alright? You dont know what to say? What tHE FUCK? IF YOU DONT WANT ME TO APOLOGIZE JUST SAY SO!" Renjun yelled at the frozen girl right.infront.of.her.face

"I--uhh-- R-Renjun?D-do you w-want--"


The girl panicked not knowing what to say so she just picked whatever words her mind told her to.

"A hug?"

With that she almost facepalmed herself, she was intimidated by his presence yet she wanted to give him a hug? Who in the right mind would even do that?

She awkwardly spread her arms up and the boy hesitated for a while before coming at her and engulfed her in a tight hug.

Renjun can sensed her fears towards him, he can also felt her heartbeats beating way to fast than normal he also managed to felt her legs shaking rapidly when they hugged. Fear.

He was sorry for the girl. She didn't deserve this kind of treatment from someone, especially someone from him who likes her. He wanted to say how sorry he was how angry he was to himself for having this bad attitude but he cant. He just...       cant.

"R-Renjun? Are you c-crying?" Hayeon was scared but her hands slowly rised to wiped the tears from his eyes that wetted her shoulder.

"I-Im sorry Hayeon.. I-I really am" he cried more and pulled the girl in his embrace while the girl stroked his back.

"Now now dont cry dont cry shh shh"

"I-I ... d-dont want t-o b-but--"

"Shhh shhh everything will be alright.."

It was so awkward yet so comforting, Huang Renjun what is your problems?

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