chapter 47:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Leomon shook hands with nick Johnson.

Leomon: second one punch hero like riggs fivecoat

Nick: yep. This is red agumon

Red agumon: hello

Two digimon came out of the floor underneath. They call mimi princess making nick looked at her confusion.

Mimi: oh .... Yeah lets hold that thought later 😅😅😅😁😁😁


2 digimon firing a cannon a puppetmon. Riggs popped out capsules bring out snacks especially hot & ready teriyaki fish yami loves.

Riggs: tai ...

Tai: i know i know

Tai & agumon kicked the door.

Tai: we had it with you puppetmon💢💢💢💢. Your toast

Riggs/dark agumon:

Come at me bro😈😈😈😈😈💢💢💢💢

Sora: is it weird for me to get turned on?

Biyomon: too young stop

Puppetmon lead the to a trap. But riggs is starting to get mad.


2 digimon mimi knew back then that their palace was sunked by dark masters.

Leomon: digistened must work together to defeat the dark masters

Nick: some complications here & there. Mimi lost a lot of good friends before. I know how it feels.

Leomon: you two except nick & red agumon since there new here. Brought to file island & working as a team. It could have been a test take make sure that you where a digidestined

Nick pov:

Listened to leomon's explanation. Mimi palmon & the others including tearju fivecoat won battle after battle.

Leomon: we need to find the others

Joe: some of us needed a timeout

Leomon: you needed a time out?

Joe: you might say its another kind of test


Digimon in the first digivolve forms take put puppetmon's minions. War greymon & black wargreymon & the rest of the ultimate form digimon surrounded Puppetmon. Yami slicing them riggs one punching them.

Puppetmon turns his house into a walking wooden house.



Metaletomon tracked them down. Leomon saved Mimi from his attack.

Nick: that's it💢💢💢

Saberleomon & nick punched through his chest.


Metalgurumon blasted puppetmon. Matt is here.

Sora: thank you matt

Matt notice them. Riggs nodded matt frowned in response but a faint smile & leaves.


Leomon dies.

Mimi hugged nick. Mimi decided not to be a coward.

Nick: finally because this is getting stupid

More on the way.


digimon: one punch CompletedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora