Chapter 1

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My name is SANS,SANS the skeleton(just to let you know I may do some puns because I put a tone a skeleton of work in to them) and I'm an adventurer who seeks glory and fortune, But that's just a lie. As I passed through a town, I heard rumours of a mysterious castle long abandoned, but it peeked my curiosity and I headed out to find this location. As I neared the castle, I saw a flicker of light inside... It was supposed to be abandoned? Right? So I grabbed my trusty vibranium shield that's painted like Caption Americas shield and I also summon a bone to use as a Malay. I then went to the front door. As I opened it and went inside the door creaked a bit. The inside was surprisingly clean and modern it was kind of weird. I instantly know what my surroundings are (that is a useful ability I have among others like summoning bones and Gauster Blasters). So I go to the big crate that's in the corner I look inside and I find a bow and some arrows which I take and put in my infinite space backpack as well as some C4, I find no more weapons (unless you count machetes, butcher knives and very sharp knives witch to me are just normal knives are bread knives. Then I go up the stairs and find a landing with door that is slightly open and I instantly know no ones in there so I go in to the room and find nothing. So I go back to the stairs and go to the next floor. On the next floor I find 4 rooms with there doors slightly open so I go into the first room and find boxes full of random machine parts I look them and find nothing interesting apart from a portal gun which I throw away. I then go to the second room and find some more boxes full of machinery which is weird because so far the only tech are the computers on the ground floor. I look through them and find nothing interesting apart from a jetpack with a full tank of fuel so I took it and took it to the out to the landing. I then went into the third room and found some guns so I take all the bullets out of the guns so they are useless, I then go back to the landing. Before I go in the fourth room I know I have to be careful because there are some people in the room so I kick down the door hoping it will surprise the people on the other side and it does. It gives me time to put my shield in front of me before the bullets start to fly. The bullets hit my shield I then hear a hissing sound I realised I'm use the jetpack instead of my shield, so before it blows up in my face I throw it out of the window that is convenient next to me. Than I throw my shield and, it hit s everyone and it nocks them out cold. Then my shield returns to me and will I'm checking that everyone is out cold I sense that someone is behind me so I spin around and, hit them with the bone in my hand and it nocks him out cold. that was uneggpectingly easy I said to the nocked out man with the egg-shaped head. I check the room and find stairs. I go up them and find something unexpected, "hello old friend" to be continued.

Hay kiddos hope u liked chapter 1. I decided to post this chapter because I wanted to.

seeya later kiddos.

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